Discussion on the approval of two Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

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4. Discussion on the approval of two Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

Dr John Hedley, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine, presented two RSPMs for adoption.

4.1 Report on development of RSPM No. 5 Guidelines for the Application of Emergency Actions and the Establishment of Emergency Measures and RSPM No. 6 Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis on Scale Insects Associated with Commodities for Human Consumption

The topics for RSPM No. 5 and No. 6 were proposed at the 24th session of the APPPC. Australia and China drafted the specifications for the two standards which were reviewed by the APPPC Standards Committee. Australian and Chinese officials then prepared two draft standards for the APPPC Standards Committee in November, 2006. The Standards Committee consisted of experts from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Thailand.

The APPPC Standard Committee meeting on review of Draft RSPM No. 5 and No. 6 was conducted from 21 to 24 November 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The standard on guidelines on emergency actions and emergency measures has been developed to help clarify the use of such actions and measures. Based on the IPPC and its standards, emergency situations are identified and the types of emergency action and emergency measures noted.

The nature of a standard on scales was earlier discussed by the Standards Committee. It was decided to provide guidance on risk assessment or scales generally. If necessary, aspects of the biology of scales and lists of specific scale insects of regional concern could be presented in appendices to the standard at a later date.

The Draft RSPMs No. 5 and No. 6 were revised and approved by the Standards Committee and sent to APPPC member countries in December 2006 (and made available on the webpage of APPPC on the International Phytosanitary Portal) for country consultation. After further revision and consolidations based on country feedback the drafts are submitted to this 25th session of APPPC for review and adoption.

4.2 Discussions

4.2.1 Specific period for implementation of emergency measures

To a question concerning the time limit expected for the implementation of emergency measures, the speaker clarified that the idea for such a situation was a reasonable time frame, dependant on the capacity of the country involved.

4.2.2 Adoption of APPPC RSPM No. 5 Guidelines for the Application of Emergency Actions and the Establishment of Emergency Measures and RSPM No. 6 Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis on Scale Insects Associated With Commodities for Human Consumption

After the discussions, the Session adopted both the RSPMs with minor amendments. The full text of RSPM No. 5 and RSPM No. 6 is in Annexes II and III respectively.

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