Report of the APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine 2005-2007

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9. Report of the APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine 2005-2007

The following activity areas were noted by Dr John Hedley, the Chairperson of the Standing Committee.

9.1 Regional workshops on Draft ISPMs in 2005, 2006 and 2007

The regional workshop on Draft ISPMs held in Bangkok in 2005 considered the following standards:

In 2006, the regional workshop was held in the Republic of Korea supported by the Korean Government. The following standards were discussed:

The following year the regional workshop on Draft ISPMs, also funded by Republic of Korea and held in Gwacheon City, considered these draft standards:

The report of each meeting, with the comments made during the meeting was entered into the draft ISPM comment templates, were provided to the participants of the meeting. APPPC member countries could then use these comments in their comments submitted to the IPPS Secretariat.

9.2 The development of the APPPC strategic plan and the business plan

The 24th session of the APPPC set up a special group to develop strategic and business plans for the APPPC. The group was also to discuss the future activity of the APPPC and prepare proposals relating to financial mechanisms The strategic plan, business plan, options for funding and proposals for programmes for the Commission have been noted and discussed earlier in the meeting.

9.3 The development of further regional standards on Phytosanitary Measures

Drafts of two new regional standards were prepared by scientists from China and Australia. The drafts went through country consultation and examination by the APPPC Standards Committee. The two amended drafts that were presented to the Commission members were: Guidelines for the Establishment and Application of Emergency Actions and Emergency Measures, and Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis on Scale Insects associated with Commodities for Human Consumption.

9.4 The Review of the PRA on SALB by the Standards Committee

A third regional workshop on the PRA for SALB was held in Malaysia in April, 2006. The meeting recommended the PRA be presented to the next Session of the APPPC. Subsequent examination of the PRA by other regional experts recommended the strengthening of the PRA with more information and added technical justification of the recommendations. The SALB expert, Dr Chee Kheng Hoy, visited MAF,
New Zealand, funded by FAO, and these additions to the PRA were made. It is hoped that the PRA will offer sufficient guidance in the preparation of a Standard, with detailed annexes, on the protection of rubber in the region from SALB. This subject was discussed in detail earlier in the meeting.

9.5 Membership of the APPPC

One of the options discussed in the Strategic Planning meeting was the bringing into force of the 1983 amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific region and thus having recourse to the mandatory funding clause. This required a further six members to accept the amendments. This number can be decreased with the reduction of the number of APPPC members. As Portugal and the United Kingdom no longer have territories in Asia (Macau and Hong Kong), they should no longer be members of the APPPC. Both countries have been asked to withdraw from the Commission. Portugal has done this and its withdrawal will take affect next year. The United Kingdom is still considering the situation.

Dr Hedley also noted the need for collaboration between APPPC members on the development of regional viewpoints on strategic issues. The membership of the future CPM Bureau was also discussed.

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