Consideration of the report of the 18th technical consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs)

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13. Consideration of the report of the 18th technical consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs)

The eighteenth technical consultation (TC) among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) was held at FAO headquarters, Rome, on 11-14 September 2006, and was attended by representatives from six of the nine RPPOs recognized by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). The RPPOs represented at the TC were: Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC), Committee de Sanidad Vegetal del Cono Sur (COSAVE), Caribbean Plant Protection Commission (CPPC), European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) and Pacific Plant Protection Organization (PPPO). The 18th Technical Consultation (TC) was attended by the Executive Secretariat.

A range of issues of regional and international importance was discussed. The full report is available on the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP). Issues in relation to the definition of a public officer able to issue phytosanitary certificates (Article V.2a of the IPPC) was discussed. The TC agreed to develop a document on the criteria required to enable a person to be authorized as a signing official.

Each RPPO presented a review of their year's activities including updates on the regional workshops on Draft ISPMs, development of regional standards, regional workshops, development/harmonization of legislation, working groups, databases, pest lists, structures of the organizations, dispute settlement, technical assistance to other RPPOs, and pest surveys.

The need for national reference laboratories was recognized by some RPPOs but it was also stressed that it should not be an obligation for NPPOs to establish reference laboratories. The TC agreed that it would be useful to have further investigations on national reference laboratories but before initiating any activity on the topic it should liaise with the IPPC Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols in order to discuss possible roles and to identify areas where the TC could be of assistance.

The 19th TC will be hosted by NAPPO in Canada on 10-14 September 2007. It is suggest that all members of APPPC are encouraged to attend such meeting and the Executive Secretary may provide information to assist participation.

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