
February 1998

FAO of the UN


Twenty-First Session


Tallinn, Estonia, 25-29 May 1998

Table of Contents

Conference arrangements

1. The FAO Regional Conference for Europe will be held at the Sakala Centre in Tallinn from 25 to 29 May 1998. The Conference will start at 09.30 hours on Monday, 25 May. An Official Ceremony will take place at 10.00 hours on Thursday, 28 May.

2. The normal working hours of the conference will be from 09.30 to 12.30 in the morning and from 14.30 to 17.30 hours in the afternoon, unless otherwise decided by the conference.

3. An order of the day will be issued daily, giving detailed information of the conference business, the timetable of meetings, items to be discussed and other information of general interest.

4. FAO will provide the Secretary of the Conference, assisted by a number of FAO staff whose names and functions will be included in a list to be issued on the first day of the conference.

Working languages

5. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French, German and Spanish. The documentation will be issued in English and French while the Agenda, Report and Order of the Day will also be issued in Spanish.

Press liaison and information

6. For the duration of the conference, an FAO Information Officer, assisted by a Press Officer of the Government of Estonia, will provide contacts with the press and be responsible for matters concerning information to the public.

7. An accreditation desk will be in place at the conference venue and journalists are requested to bring two passport size photographs and a letter of assignment from their editor or employer.


8. The working documents will be sent to all governments and organizations invited, before the holding of the conference. Documents drafted during the conference will be available at the documents distribution desk, outside the conference hall. The desk will also deliver mail and messages and deal with general inquiries.

Draft recommendations and amendments

9. Delegates who wish to submit draft recommendations or other documents requiring a decision by the conference are requested to hand their texts in English, French or Spanish to the Conference Secretary, if possible in three typewritten copies. Delegates wishing to circulate other written material related to the Agenda of the conference are requested to deliver 100 copies in English, 50 copies in French and 20 in Spanish to the Secretariat for distribution.

Advance communications of text of speeches and statements

10. When prepared speeches or statements are to be made, it would help the Secretariat and ensure accuracy in interpretation, if three typed copies of the texts were handed to the Conference Secretary beforehand.


11. All correspondence concerning the regional conference should be addressed to the Conference Secretary at the FAO Regional Office for Europe and to the government Liaison Officer at the addresses below:

- Conference Secretary
FAO Regional Office for Europe
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome
Tel.: (39-6) 57053499
Fax: (39-6) 57055634
E-mail: [email protected]
- Liaison Officer (FAO 21st ERC)
Ministry of Agriculture
39/41 Lai Street
EE-0100 Tallinn
Tel.: (372-6) 256 179
Fax: (372-6) 313 628
E-mail: [email protected]

12. Postal, telephone, telex and facsimile services will be provided at the conference premises as well as a travel and tourist information desk.

Formalities for entry into Estonia

13. Travellers to Estonia requiring an entry visa are advised to obtain one from a diplomatic mission or consulate of Estonia prior to the date of travel. In the event that no diplomatic mission or consulate exists in a particular country, travellers should inform, the Liaison Officer and the Conference Secretary, at the addresses indicated in paragraph 11 above, providing full name as in the travel document, date and place of birth, nationality, passport number, date and place of issue, validity and expected duration of stay in Estonia, in order to ensure that a visa will be granted on arrival. This information should preferably be sent four weeks prior to arrival in Tallinn.

14. Participants are advised to provide advance notice at least four weeks prior to arrival of the name of carrier, flight number, time of arrival and other related information to the Liaison Officer in Estonia, with copy to the Conference Secretary, to ensure that they are properly met on arrival at the international airport of Tallinn. Participants are advised to mark their luggage clearly in order to facilitate identification.

15. The authorities of Estonia will make special arrangements for participants on their arrival, assist them with formalities regarding immigration, visas, customs, collection of luggage and provide them with transport to their respective hotels.

16. All participants to the conference are advised to finalize, at an early date, return travel arrangements and, immediately on arrival in Estonia, contact the travel desk at the conference premises for special internal visits for spouses and for the reconfirmation of their departure date and time. The airport is approximately 10 minutes drive from town. Shuttle bus service to the airport is available from most of the hotels.

Foreign exchange and banking facilities

17. There are no limitations on the amount of foreign currency brought into Estonia. The foreign exchange and banks will provide the necessary information and measure of exchange rates and transfer. A bank/foreign exchange desk will be available on the conference premises. There are a number of banks near the Sakala Centre and a foreign exchange office open at all hours at the airport. The monetary unit is the Estonian Kroon. At the time of going to press the exchange rate is approximately 14 Estonian Kroons for 1 US dollar.

Credit cards are acceptable and widely used in Estonia.

Medical services and first aid

18. Medical and first aid services will be available at the conference premises.

Hotel accommodation

19. Due to high tourist season and overbooking in hotels, delegates and observers are kindly requested to submit hotel reservation forms appearing in Annex A, by sending the original to the Conference Liaison Officer in Tallinn and a copy to the Conference Secretary in Rome (see paragraph 11 above), as soon as possible and in any event not later than 24 April 1998.

20. Accommodation will be available for participants and their families at the hotels listed in Annex B.


21. All delegates and observers are requested to register, soon after arrival, at the Sakala Centre so that they can be provided with identification tags. The registration desk will be open on Sunday, 24 May 1998 from 10.00 to 18 00 hours and on Monday 25 May 1998 from 08.30 hours. The conference secretariat will issue a Provisional List of Participants on the first day of the conference. The secretariat should be notified of any corrections or additions to this list. Only registered participants will be issued with special badges, which will permit them to enter the conference meeting venues.


22. The weather in Estonia in May is generally pleasant. Day temperatures are between 15 and 20 degrees while minimum night temperatures are between 5 and 15 degrees. It is recommended to bring light warm clothes and a raincoat.


23. The voltage in Estonia is 220 volts AC (HZ) and plug is two-pin, European style.

Study Tours

24. At the invitation of the Host Government, delegates will have the opportunity of participating in two different study tours so as to get acquainted with Estonian agriculture and rural life and Estonian regional development process. One study tour will be to Laanemaa County in the Western part of Estonia and one study tour to Parnumaa County in the Central-Southern part of Estonia. The maximum distance from Tallinn of these tours will be approximately 100 km. Delegates wishing to participate in the Study Tours, which will take place on Wednesday, 27 May 1998, are kindly requested to notify in advance their preference on the form attached as Annex A (para. 11 refers). A Ladies Programme will also be organized. More details on the study tours and Ladies Programme will be available on the spot and disseminated in advance through the Order of the Day.

Excursions and tourist information

25. A Travel and Tourist desk will be available at the Sakala Centre in order to enable participants to plan excursions or visits within Estonia and the other Baltic countries before and after the Conference and to reconfirm their return flights.




1. Name: ____________________________________________________________

                     Family name                     Given name

2. Country/organization: ____________________________________________

3. Title and positions: ____________________________________________

4. Address (postal and fax number): _________________________________

5. Attending as: / / Delegate   / / Observer   / / Secretariat

6. Accompanied by spouse: / / Yes   / / No

Name of spouse: _____________________________________________________

7. Dates of anticipated stay in Estonia: __________ to ______________

8. Arrival information: Date:___________________ Hour: ______________

Airline and flight No.:_______________________From (city): __________

9. Hotel accommodation desired: / / Single / / Double / / Suite

10. Please indicate hotel names by order of preference.

A: Palace_Hotel ____________

B: Olümpia Hotel____________

C: Park Hotel   ____________

11. Preference for Study Tour: (A) Laanemaa County (B) Parnumaa County


NOTE: Each participant is required to complete the above form in duplicate and send one copy to each of the addresses below as soon as possible, preferably one month before the conference, even if complete flight information is unavailable. Flight information details could be sent by fax at a later date.

(a)Liaison Officer (FAO Conference)    (b) Conference Secretary
   Ministry of Agriculture                 FAO Regional Office for Europe
   39/41 Lai Street                        Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
   EE0100 Tallinn                          00100 Rome
   Tel: (372-6) 256 179                    Tel: (39-6) 57053499
   Fax: (372-6) 313 628                    Fax: (39-6) 57055634



Name of Hotel Distance from Sakala Centre     



A. Palace few minutes walking distance Single

US$ 75


US$ 114

B. Olümpia few minutes walking distance Single

US$ 53


US$ 64

      Single (business)

US$ 64

      Double (business)

US$ 72


US$ 153

C. Park 15 minutes walking Single

US$ 53


US$ 64

N.B. Above prices have been arranged for the Conference and include breakfast.