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Markevich, A.P., 1951 Parasitic fauna of freshwater fish of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Kiev, Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. (English transl., Israel Program for Scientific Translations, No. 844, 1963. 388 p.)
Marking, L.L., 1969a Delineative screening, p. 115–122. In U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. & Wildl., Progress in Sport Fishery Research, 1968, Resour. Publ., (77):1–259
Marking, L.L., 1969b Toxicity of rhodamine B and fluorescein sodium to fish and their compatibility with antimycin A. Prog. Fish-Cult., 31(3):139–142
Marking, L.L., 1970 Antimycin: Half-life of biological activity, p. 26 & 29. In U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. & Wildl., Progress in Sport Fishery Research, 1969, Resour. Publ., (88)
Marking, L.L. and J.W. Hogan, 1967 Toxicity of Bayer 73 to fish. U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. & Wildl., Investigations in Fish Control, (19) and Resour. Publ., (36):1–13
Meehan, W.R. and W.L. Sheridan, 1966 Effects of toxaphene on fishes and bottom fauna of Big Kitoi Creek, Afognak Island, Alaska. U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. & Wildl., Investigations in Fish Control, (8) and Resour. Publ., (12):1–9
Meehan, O.L., 1952 Problems of farm fish pond management. J. Wildl. Mgmt., 16(3):233–238
Meschkat, A., 1967 The status of warm-water fish culture in Africa. FAO Fish. Rep., (44) Vol. 2:88–122
Meyer, F.A., 1963 Rough fish control. Calif. Dep. Fish & Game, Inl. Fish. Adm. Rep., (63–10): 1–22
Meyer, F.A., 1966 Chemical control of undesirable fishes, p. 498–510. In A. Calhoun (ed.). Inland Fisheries Management. California Department of Fish & Game.
Meyer, F.P., 1965 The experimental use of Guthion® as a selective fish eradicator. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 94(3):203–209
Miles, C., 1967 Posibilidades de la piscicultura en estanques en America Latina. FAO Fish. Rep., (44) Vol. 2:34–44
Miller, E.D. and M.L. Madsen, 1964 The use of sodium cyanide in Nebraska fisheries management. Presented at 13th Annual Meeting of the Great Plains Fisheries Workers Association, mimeo, 11 p.
Miller, R.B., 1950 A critique of the need and use of poisons in fisheries research and management. Can. Fish Cult., (8):30–33
Moe, J.L., 1970 A comprehensive pond management study at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. M.S. Thesis, Wisconsin State University-La Crosse. 70 p.
Montana Fish and Game Commission, 1958 Lake and stream rehabilitation, p. 28–29. In Montana Fish and Game Commission, Biennial Report, May 1, 1956 – April 30, 1958
Montana Fish and Game Department, 1962 Reservoir investigations. Mont. Wildl., (Nov. 1962):29
Moorman, R.B. and C.E. Ruhr, 1951 Suggestions for improving the collection of fish with rotenone. Prog. Fish-Cult., 13(3):149–152
Moss, D.D. and J.M. Hester, 1956 Farm-pond investigations in Alabama. Prog. Fish-Cult., 18 (4):171–177
Moyle, J.B., 1968 Review of toxaphene as a piscicide. Minn. Dep. Cons., Spec. Publ., (50):1–9
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Pintler, H.E. and W.C. Johnson, 1958 Chemical control of rough fish in the Russian River drainage, California. Calif. Fish & Game, 44(2):91–124
Plotnikov, N.N., 1959 Modern concepts on the epidemiology and epizootology of opisthorchosis (Vinogradav's Disease). Moskva-Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. (English translation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, No. 620, 1963. 236 p.)
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Prévost, G., 1960 Use of fish toxicants in the Province of Quebec. Can. Fish Cult., (28):13–35
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Quilliam, J.P. and R. Stables, 1968 The effect of cunaniol, a polyacetylenic alcohol isolated from the plant Clibadium sylvestre, on piscine behavior. British Journal of Pharmacology, 3(3):679–680
Radonski, G.C., 1967 Antimycin: useful in perch control? Wis. Cons. Bull., 32(2):15–16
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Ramachandran, V., 1962 The method and technique of using anhydrous ammonia for aquatic weed control. Proc. Indo-Pacif. Fish. Coun., 10(2):146–153
Rawson, D.S. and R.A. Ruttan, 1952 Pond fish studies in Saskatchewan. J. Wildl. Mgmt., 16 (3):283–288
Regan, D.M., 1961 Rehabilitation of Negrito Creek. N.M. Dep. Game & Fish, Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Job Completion Report, Project F-22-R-2, Job No. H-1, mimeo, 3 p.
Robinson, D.W., 1961 Stream reclamation (Final Report Dist. I). W.V. Cons. Comm., Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Job Completion Report, F-10-R-2, Job No. 4, mimeo, 9 p.
Robinson, D.W. and R. Sumner, 1964 Stream reclamation, Final Report, Dist. II. W.V. Cons. Comm., Federal Aid to Fish Restoration, Job Completion Report, F-10-R-5, District II, Job No. 4, mimeo, 10 p.
Rose, E.T., 1958 Further notes on toxaphene in fish population control. Iowa State Cons. Comm., Fish & Game Quart. Rep., 10(2):5–7
Rounsefell, G.A. and W.H. Everhart, 1953 Fishery science, its methods and applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 444 p.
Ryther, J.H., 1968 Invertebrate and algae culture, Part II, p. 1–261. In The status & potential of aquaculture, particularly invertebrate & algae culture, Vol. 1, Parts I and II. Springfield, Va., Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information
Sayre, R.C., 1969 Powder River rehabilitation. Use of Fintrol-5 for fish eradication. Ore. State Game Comm., Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Project F-80-R-1, Job No. 26, 47 p.
Schäeperclaus, W., 1933 Textbook of pond culture; rearing and keeping of carp, trout and allied fishes. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Fish. Leafl., (311):1–260
Schäeperclaus, W., 1963 Regelung des Fischbestandes in Seen durch Polychorpinen-vergiftung. Dtsch. Fisch.-Ztg., 10(3):65–68
Schneider, R.S., 1969 Treating a stream for lamprey. Limnos, 2(4):8–11
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Schoettger, R.A., 1970 Toxicology of Thiodan in several fish and aquatic invertebrates. U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. & Wildl., Investigations in Fish Control, (35):1–31
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Shannon, E.H., 1969 The toxicity and detoxification of the rotenone formulations used in fish management. N.C. Wildl. Resour. Comm., Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Project F-19-1, Job IV-B, mimeo, 8 p.
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Spector, W.S., 1956 Handbook of toxicology, Volume I: acute toxicities of solids, liquids and gases to laboratory animals. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company. 408 p.
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Srivastava, U.S., 1966 DDVP as a selective toxicant for the control of fishes and insects. Prog. Fish-Cult., 28(4):235–238
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Anon., 1970 ‘Squoxin’ is a selective toxin for squawfish. Comm. Fish. Rev., 32(3):6
This is one of a series of Technical Papers (see inside front cover) dealing with aspects of the work of the FAO Department of Fisheries, Fishery Resources Division, including the review of pertinent Information on particular topics, to meet requests for assistance, for presentation to technical and scientific meetings, etc. Extra copies can be obtained by application to:
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(Papers issued since January 1969)
FRs/T83 | Manual of methods for fish stock assessment - Part V. The use of acoustic instruments in fish detection and fish abundance estimation | February 1969 |
FRi/T85 | Directory of fish culture research institutions | February 1969 |
FRm/T71(Es) | Los Pescadores y el tiempo | Marzo 1969 |
FRs/T84 | Upwelling and fish production | June 1969 |
FRv/T87 | Computer-aided studies of fishing boat hull resistance | December 1969 |
FRv/T88(Fr) | Le coefficient prismatique | Décembre 1969 |
(Es) | El coeficiente prismático | Diciembre 1969 |
FRV/T89 (Fr) | Types de bateau destinés aux pays dont les pêches sont en voie de développement | Décembre 1969 |
(Es) | Embarcaciones de pesca para las pesquerías en vías de desarrollo | Diciembre 1969 |
FRD/T90(Tri) | Careers in marine science - Carrières en sciences de la mer _ Carreras en la ciencia marina | December 1969 |
FRv/T91 | Some geotechnical and geophysical systems and their application to the planning of fishery harbour development programmes in developing countries | December 1969 |
FRs/T92 | Fisheries management and the limitation of fishing | December 1969 |
(Fr) | L'aménagement des pêcheries et la limitation de la pêche | Août 1970 |
(Es) | La ordenación de las pesquerías y la limitación de la pesca | Marzo 1970 |
FRv/T93 | Research fleet of the world | December 1969 |
FRi/T94 | Facsimile of Section III - Fish, other aquatic life, and wildlife, of the Report of the Committee on Water Quality Criteria | December 1969 |
(Fr) | Section III. Poissons, autre vie aquatique, et faune sauvage. Traduction de Lotrimin angles du Rapport du «Committee on Water Quality Criteria» | Octobre 1970 |
(Es) | Facsímil de la Sección III - Peces, otras formas de vida acuática y fauna silvestre, del Informe del Comlté sobre Criterios de Calidad del Agua | Diciembre 1969 |
FIRS/T70(Fr) | La notion de rendement maximal constant et l'aménagement des ressources halieutiques | Mars 1970 |
(Es) | El concepto del rendimiento máximo sostenible y la ordenación pesquera | Agosto 1970 |
FIRS/T97 | The fish resources of the ocean | July 1970 |
FIRI/T86 | Dissolved oxygen requirements of freshwater fishes | October 1970 |
FIRS/T98 | International Biological Programme Section PM (Productivity Marine). Bibliography on methods of studying the marine benthos | October 1970 |
FIRI/T100 | Reclamation of ponds, lakes, and streams with fish toxicants: A review | December 1970 |