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Terminology of forest science, technology, practice and products

The Society of American Foresters announces publication of the Terminology of Forest Science, Technology, Practice and Products (English-language version). Designed to improve the precision of communication among foresters of the world, it contains definitions of more than 6 800 technical concepts in forestry and related sciences, compiled with the cooperation of hundreds of specialists in all parts of the world.

This, the first in a series of parallel terminologies in the major international languages, was produced under the supervision of the Society of American Foresters through an agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). It was financed by the United States Forest Service and the Canada Department of Fisheries and Forestry. The Society of American Foresters is the publisher and distributor.

The book covers all the sciences related to forestry, from botany, zoology and soils to fire technology and computers. Following on the Oxford System of Decimal Classification for Forestry, it is a further step in the standardization of forestry terminology and definitions in these subject fields throughout the world. Each terminology in the other languages series will include the authoritative equivalent of the 6 800 definitional and key terms in the English-language version.

A cardinal feature of this project is the use of Universal Reference Numbers to facilitate cross-referencing between the different language versions. Each concept in the English publication is given a number which will appear with the definition of that concept in all other versions.

Specialists are working on French, German and Spanish editions.

The book has 349 pages, measures 21 × 28 centimetres, and is bound in hard covers.

Price is U.S.$10.00 postage paid, and orders may be placed with:

Society of American Foresters
1010 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

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