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1.1 Background Information

In accordance with a request from the Government of the Seychelles for assistance in determining the feasibility of large scale oyster culture, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations under the United Nations Development Programme (Technical Assistance Sector), appointed Mr. Keith W. Cox as Fishery Officer (Fishing Technologist and Industry Expert) and Project Manager. Mr. Cox served in the Seychelles from 4 July to 18 July 1971. His terms of reference were: to conduct a preliminary survey to inspect areas for possible oyster culture in the Seychelles.

1.2 Development of the Project

The expert arrived in the Seychelles on 4 July 1971. On the following day a meeting was held with Mr. F.R.J. Williams, Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. S. Savey, Director of Agriculture and Mr. K. Windsor, Agricultural Officer, to duscuss the purpose and objectives of the survey and to outline a plan of operation.

A schedule was drawn up, transportation arranged and the expert started the survey of Mahé on 6 July. Prasline, Curieuse and La Digue were surveyed from 12 to 14 July, and the remainder of the time of the survey was spent on Mahé.

A summary of observations of the areas visited with comments and recommendations for each locality follow and these localities are indicated on the chart (Fig. 1).

1.3 Acknowledgements

FAO is greatly indebted to the many people who collaborated with the expert during his assignment and who offered their helpful advice and assistance.

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