Unasylva - No. 69

Table of Contents

Vol. 17


An International Review of Forestry and Forest Products

FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was founded at Quebec Canada, in October 1945 when its member nations agreed to work together to secure a lasting peace through freedom from want. The membership of FAO now stands at 104 nations.

Forestry and Forest Products Division

Deputy Director N. A. OSARA
Assistant to Director L. J. VERNELL

Unasylva - Started in 1947 by MARCEL LELOUP, first Director of the Forestry and Forest Products Division, this quarterly publication is intended to cover a range of interests as wide as that of the Division whose work it mirrors. Signed articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the view of the Organization.

Cover photograph. A selection of the 150 stamps issued on 21 March 1963 in connection with the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. The midpoint of the Campaign was the World Food Congress held in Washington in June.

This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.

Table of Contents

Freedom from hunger campaign

Egon Glesinger
Projections in forest policy

Tom Gill
Forests and farmers

Hans Wilhelm Giertz
Production of pulp and paper

Goran Ohlin
Paper for educational development

Robert E. Perdue, JR.
Raw material for more paper

Work of FAO

Some activities of the forestry and forest products division, 1962-63
Latin-American forestry commission
Advisory committee on pulp and paper
FAO staff

Equipment section


Jean Le Ray
Forest roads in the tropics - I

Jean Le Ray
Forest roads in the tropics - II

Freedom from hunger campaign basic studies

Where to purchase FAO publications locally - Points de vente des publications de la FAO - Puntos de venta de publicaciones de la FAO