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Books and reports


The Yearbook of Forest Products (1972), latest in the FAO series, has been issued in an improved computerized form.

A basic reference book, it records the performance of a wide variety of forest products in terms of tonnage produced, production values, and the values and directions of flow of international trade for the principal countries of the world concerned with wood and wood products. It covers 1961 through 1972.

Yearbook of Forest Products (1972), FAO, Rome, 1974; 90 pages, trilingual edition (English, French, Spanish); price US$13.30, £5.40, FF67.


Information concerning logging and transport methods and techniques and costs in developing countries is scarce, especially where the tropical high forest is concerned.

Logging and Log Transport in Tropical High Forest, a new manual prepared by the FAO Forestry Department's Logging and Transport Branch, focuses attention on analytical approaches required to quantify output and cost data for these activities. It examines the influence of physical and economic conditions and gives production and cost data where available for the most commonly used logging methods.

Logging and Log Transport in Tropical High Forest (A manual on production and costs), FAO Forestry Development Paper No. 18, FAO, Rome, 1974; 90 pages, English, French and Spanish editions; price US$3.00 or £1.20.


A List of Seed in the Canadian Forestry Service Seed Bank, by B.S.P. Wang and B.D. Haddon, was issued in June 1974. This report, in French and English, may be obtained from the Petawawa Forest Experimental Station, Chalk River, Ontario. It is also identified as Information Report PS-X-53. In 1973, the station shipped more than 300 seed lots in response to requests from within Canada and from 12 other countries.


Tree-Seed Storage by B.S.P. Wang, is a 30-page report in English, with a résumé in French, issued by the Canadian Forestry Service.

Dr. Wang, of the Petawawa Forest Experimental Station, Chalk River, Ontario, reviews seed characteristics of trees, storage principles and major factors affecting seed storage. He summarizes the times of cone and seed maturity and the storage requirements of native Canadian tree seeds and outlines further research needed to prolong the safe storage of large hardwood seed. The report contains two tables, one showing "Frequency of seed years of native tree species" (27 species of conifers and 37 hardwood species) and another which is a "Summary of specific conditions for safe storage of tree seeds."


Upland Kenya Wild Flowers by A.D.Q. Agnew, is the latest major work on the flora of tropical east Africa. It covers the whole herbaceous vascular plant flora-except the grasses and sedges - of Kenya above 1000 metres, a total of no less than 2950 species, of which 943 are illustrated by line drawings.

The work includes several contributions from specialists, most of whom are associated with or on the staff of the East African Herbarium, a division of the East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization. Of note is an account of the ferns by R.B. Faden, the first of its kind, and Dr. Agnew's account of the Compositae, of which the most recent description until now (and without illustrations) was written in 1877.

The book is published by the East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization, P.O. Box 30148, Nairobi, Kenya.


Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Vol. II, by Elbert L. Little Jr., Roy O. Woodbury and Frank H. Wadsworth, has been published by the U.S. Forest Service. It follows Volume I, Common Trees in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, which came out in 1964 in English and in 1967 in Spanish.

Dr. Little has been the dendrologist for the U.S. Forest Service in Washington, D.C., since 1942. Dr. Wadsworth is director of the Institute of Tropical Forestry, U.S. Forest Service, at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, and began research work there in 1942. Dr. Wood-bury has been plant taxonomist at the University of Puerto Rico since 1956 and earlier was Professor of Botany at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Vol. II (Agriculture Handbook No. 449), 1024 pages, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, price (clothbound) $13.45; Stock Number 010020884 (Class No. Al.76:449).


Environmental Conservation is a new international quarterly journal put out by the Foundation for Environmental Conservation, Lausanne, Switzerland.

The new journal states that it is "devoted to maintaining global viability through exposing and countering environmental deterioration resulting from human population pressure and unwise technology." Nichols Polunin is editor.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the International Conferences on Environmental Future (ICEF) and the World Environment and Resources Council (WERC) are all listed as collaborators, with financial support coming from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Yearly subscription is S.Frs. 120 (about $41).

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