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6 Useful forestry titles from FAO

Guide for planting pulp and paper enterprises

A study of planning functions, with technical information on raw materials and pulp and paper manufacture. English French and Spanish editions.

379 pages, 26 ill., clothbound. Lit. 8200.

Shifting cultivation in Latin America

A study of shifting agriculture in Latin America, with particular emphasis on Venezuela, Mexico and Peru. English, French and Spanish editions.

305 pages, 19 ill., Lit. 4000.

Planning a forest inventory

A guide to planning and execution of a forest inventory. English, French, and Spanish, editions.

121 pages. Lit. 1600.

Forest tree seed directory

A tribunal (English, French, Spanish) directory.

283 pages. Lit. 6500.

Logging and log transport in tropical high forest

A manual on production and cost. English, French and Spanish editions.

90 pages, 36 ill., Lit. 2000.

Tree planting practices in african savannas

A response to the need for economic development in this zone to support a rapidly population. English, French and Spanish editions.

185 pages, 30 ill., 3 maps. Lit. 4500.

Available from the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. For orders and information on prices in local currencies apply to any of the FAO Sales Agents and Booksellers listed on the inside back cover.


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