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New appointments at FAO headquarters

EGON GLESINGER, Director of FAO's Forestry and Forest Products Division since 1959 when he succeeded MARCEL LELOUP, has been promoted Assistant Director-General in charge of the Department of Public Relations and Legal Affairs.

Dr. Glesinger (below left) has been intimately involved in the Division's progressively widening activities since FAO was founded. He acted as rapporteur in 1944-45 to the Committee on Forestry and Forest Products of the United Nations Interim Commission on Food and Agriculture which charted FAO's future. Afterward he was appointed branch chief and then deputy director.

His brilliant book, The coming age of wood, published in 1949, foreshadowed the contribution which modern technology applied to forest products has in the last decade made both to industrial prosperity and to the increase of the world's real wealth.

Dr. Egon Glesinger

Dr. Pierre Terver

Dr. OSARA admiring vigorous spruce transplants on his home farm in Finland.

NITS A. OSARA has been appointed the new Director of the Forestry and Forest Products Division. Formerly Director-General of the Finnish State Forestry Board, he joined FAO in September 1962. A professor of forest economics at the national forest research institute, he became a chief of department in the Ministry of Supplies and for a time Minister of Supplies and Forestry in the Finnish Government. From 1947 to 1952 he was manager director of the Central Forestry Association, Tappio.

PIERRE TERVER a professional forester with much service in Africa and for eight years a member of the Forestry and Forest Products Division, has been promoted Assistant Director-General in charge of FAO's Program and Budgetary Service. He has replaced ORIS V. WELLS, appointed Deputy Director-General of FAO in the place of Sir NORMAN WRIGHT who has taken up new duties in the United Kingdom as Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

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