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A report by Dr. R. Koster on Seed Collecting of Populus trichocarpa in 1972 and 1973 appeared in FGRI No. 3. Dr. Koster has kindly provided the following note on the 1974 activities of IUFRO Working Party S2-02-10 on Poplar Provenances:

  1. P. trichocarpa: seed collection and distribution from the USA (coordination from Wageningen, Holland).

    In 1973 seed of some of the 75 sources collected that year had germinated poorly. Therefore these collections were repeated in 1974. The seed was distributed to all who had received seed from these sources in 1973 and to others who had, earlier this year, asked for seed from these parts of the natural range. The seed collected and distributed represented

    4 sources in Alaska
    9 sources in Washington
    2 sources in California.

  2. P. deltoides, P. nigra and P. trichocarpa: seed collection and distribution from Grammont, Belgium.

    106 000 seeds, produced at Grammont, Belgium, were distributed from there to 18 research institutes in 16 countries. The seed represented:

    16 families of P. deltoides (grown in Belgium)
      2      "        "  P. nigra              "     "       "
      5      "        "  P. trichocarpa    "     "       "

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