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A problem in seed collection is the difficulty of estimating the costs involved. Readers are, therefore, encouraged to exchange information on the manpower requirements for seed and cone collection. The figures given below were provided by Mr. H. Barner of the Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre for Danish conditions where cone crops were good and access to trees and stands was easy. Figures are for experienced climbers using ladders and working 8½ hours per day. 1 hectolitre (h1) = approximately 22 imperial gallons.

Specieshl cones/man/8½ hours 
Abies nobilis1014 
Abies nordmanniana  3  5 
Abies alba  5  7 
Acer pseudoplatanus2535 
Fraxinus excelsior3040 
Picea sitchensis  2  3 
Picea abies  4  6 
Picea omorika  1  1.5(young stands)
Larix leptolepis  1.5  2(young stands)
Larix decidua  0.6  1 
Pinus sylvestris  1.8  2.5(seed orchards)
Pinus austriaca  1.8  2.5 
Pseudotsuga sp.  1.5  2.0 

In very good crop years the following amount of seed can be collected per ha in Danish stands:

Abies alba150 –    200 kg
Abies nordmanniana150 –    200 kg
Abies nobilis (procera)250 –    600 kg
Larix sp.  25 –      70 kg
Picea abies  50 –    150 kg
Picea sitchensis  15 –      25 kg
Pseudotsuga sp.  40 –      80 kg
Fagus sylvatica  500 – 1000 kg
Quercus sp.2000 – 5000 kg (?)
Fraxinus excelsior  400 –   800 kg
Acer pseudoplatanus  200 –   400 kg

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