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Grinding:Wooden mortar and pestle (lumpang and penunbuk)Cost Rhs.
38 cm. diameter bowl, teak wood7 000
common wood500
Sifting:Bamboo screens commonly used for texturizing ground rice, soybean, and peanuts, home made or purchased at the market. Market cost of several500
Steaming:Cylindrical kettle with perforated bottom to hold cakes and allow passage of steam
2 kilogram capacity0.8 mm thick aluminum2 000
5 kilogram capacity1.0 mm thick aluminum2 800
10 kilogram capacity1.8 mm thick aluminum8 000
Hour-glass type steamer (bamboo screen over restricted section)
2 kilogram capacity0.4 mm thickness aluminum800
5 kilogram capacity1.0 mm thickness aluminum2 000
10 kilogram capacity1.8 mm thickness aluminum7 000

Hand-formed feed cakes are placed directly into the steamer or wrapped in banana leaves. Estimated total cost of equipment for a 5 kilogram batch of cakes, using aluminum steamer, teak grinder and several bamboo sifters: 10 800 Rhs. Feeding trays are recommended to allow more complete recovery of feed cakes in tambaks. Bamboo trays of 0.5 to 1.0 metre diameter cost 100 and 400 Rhs. respectively.

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