Report of the Sixth External Program and Management Review CIAT


Report of the
Sixth External Program and
Management Review (EPMR)
of the
Centro Internacional de
Agricoltura Tropical (CIAT)

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Rome, 2008

The Science Council of the CGIAR encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made.

Correct citation: CGIAR Science Council (2008) Report of the 6th External Program and Management Review of the Centro Internacional de Agricoltura Tropical (CIAT). Rome, Italy: Science Council Secretariat

Contacts: Science Council Secretariat A Unit of the CGIAR System Office, c/o FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Tel. +39 06 57056782 Fax +39 06 57053298 Email [email protected]

Table of Contents

Part 1   [534Kb]

    Science Council Commentary on the Sixth External Program and Management Review of CIAT
    Ciat’s response to the 6th external program and management review panel recommendations

Part 2   [1,027Kb]

    Report summary
    List of recommendations
    List of suggestions
    CIAT in flux
    People and agroecosystems research for development challenge
    Sharing the benefits of agrobiodiversity research for development challenge
    CIAT in the regions
    CIAT partnerships
    Towards an integrated and clearly articulated agenda

Part 3   [916Kb]

    Organization and management
    Annex 1 - CIAT 6th EPMR (2007) Panel membership
    Annex 2 - Terms of Reference for External Program and Management Reviews (EPMR) of CGIAR Centers
    Annex 3 - Itinerary and People Contacted by the 6th EPMR Panel
    Annex 4 - List of Documents Reviewed by the 6th CIAT EPMR Panel
    Annex 5 - Center Response to 5th EPMR and 6th EPMR Panel Commentary
    Annex 6 - Results of the Staff Survey
    Annex 7 - Board of Trustees Members and Committees Term 2007/2008
    Annex 8 - Acronyms

© CGIAR 2008