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Annex 1: Agenda

A CFC funded initiative to Develop a Regional Strategy for






25-29 February 2008, Orchid Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Organised in collaboration with CFC/APHCA/APO

Monday, 25 February 2008

Time Activity
07.00 � 17.30 Arrival of participants in Thailand and registration at the hotel
18.00 � 19.00 Introduction to the workshop facilitated by Nancy Morgan/Anthony Bennett/Brian Dugdill/David Young
19.00 Dinner at hotel

Tuesday, 26 February 2008


CFC Representative (Mr. Francesco Gibbi)

Time Activity
07.00 � 08.30 Breakfast
08.30 � 09.00 Registration
09.00 � 10.00 OPENING SESSION (Session Facilitator: Nancy Morgan)
Welcome speech by Chairperson/CFC (Mr. Francesco Gibbi)
Welcome speech by APHCA & FAO (Dr Hans Wagner)
Opening address by DG Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand
Introduction of Participants
The Project, the Context and the Workshop (Nancy Morgan, FAO)
10.00 - 10.30 Break
SESSION 1 Theme: Past experience and learning from successful and unsuccessful smallholder dairying initiatives
Session Facilitator: Nancy Morgan
10.30 - 11.00 Dairy development in the Asia region: based on synthesis of nine lessons learned studies from Bangladesh, China, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam (Brian Dugdill, FAO Dairy Development Consultant)
11.00 � 13.00 Presentation of three dairy value chain case studies (30 mins each plus 10 mins questions) of successful/not so successful dairy interventions in the Asia- Pacific region: identifying technical, socio-economic, institutional and other factors that determine success.
India (Meeta Punjabi)
Viet Nam: Smallholder dairy in Viet Nam (Patrice Gautier)
The Philippines (Sally Bulatao)
13.00 � 14.30 Lunch Breakfast
14.30 � 15.00 Dairy Competitiveness Framework
Framework outline / why it has been developed
Using the framework for the 3 value chain studies
How participants can use the framework (Phil Psilos, FAO Value Analysis Consultant).
15.00 � 15.45 Framework Exercise / Team work: evaluating the dairy environment & determining priorities for each country present (led by Phil Psilos, & facilitated by all consultants). (Phil Psilos to provide notes for the competitive framework exercises for participants & team facilitators)
15.45 � 16.15 Break
16.45 � 17.00 Structured discussion on findings & results
17.00 � 17.15 Next steps with the framework
17.15 � 17.30 Wrap up for the day and scene setting for next day
  Free Evening

Wednesday, 27 February 2008


FAO Dairy Development Specialist (Mr. Brian Dugdill)

Time Activity
07.00 - 08.30 Breakfast
SESSION 2 Theme: Dairy markets and the facilitation of smallholder participation along the producer-consumer value chain
Session Facilitator: Brian Dugdill
08.30 - 09.00 Selected smallholder dairying experiences from Bangladesh and Mongolia
(Mustafa Hussein, Tsetsgee Ser-Od and Brian Dugdill)
09.00 � 09.30 China: dairy industry: (Nui Gen Sen, Board Chairman, Inner Mongolia
Mengniu Dairy Industry (Group) Co. Ltd)
09.30.- 10.00 Dairy Development for the Resource Poor: Lessons for Planning and Policy Strategies (Nick Hooten/ILRI)
10.00 � 10.30 Developing dairy institutions (Tony Bennett, Dairy and Meat Officer, FAO)
10.30 � 11.00 Break
11.00 � 11.30 Changing the structure of dairy farming: developed versus developing countries (Torsten Hemme/IFCN)
11.30 � 12.00 Innovative approaches to improve dairy development in Viet Nam (R. Somers, Project Manager)
11.30 � 12.00 Competitiveness of Smallholder Dairying:
presentation of comparative results for each country present from yesterday�s competitive framework exercise
further analysis of the dairy value chain studies and strategy implications (Nancy Morgan, FAO Livestock Policy Officer, FAO & Phil Psilos, Value Analysis Consultant)
Followed by discussion
12.30 � 14.00 Lunch Break
SESSION 3 THEME: Developing the Asia Smallholder Dairy Development Strategy (DDS)
Session Facilitator: David Young
14.00 � 14.45 Introduction to the main elements of the strategy, followed by discussion (David Young, FAO Private Sector Management Consultant)
14.45 � 15. 30 Further team work on shaping the strategy (David Young):
Team 1: Proposing a vision statement for the Asia DDS
Team 2: Proposing a mission statement for the Asia DDS
Team 3: Proposing three overarching strategic objectives for the Asia DDS
15.30 � 16.00 Break
16.00 � 17.00 Presentation of team findings (10-15 mins. PowerPoint) by spokesperson of each team and round table discussion on shaping the strategy. Wrap for the day and scene setting for final day
18.30 � 20.00 Optional: Dinner/Night Safari (cost to be covered by participants) Page 3/5

Thursday, 28 February 2008


National Dairy Development Board, India (Mr N.V. Belavadi, Senior General Manager, Corporate Services

Time Activity
06.00 � 07.00 Breakfast
07.00 � 11.00 Session Facilitators: Nancy Morgan/Brian Dugdill Field trip to Dairy Farm, Dairy Processing Facility (organised by Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand)
11.00 � 12.00 Re-group at hotel for to discuss observations on field visits and presentation on Thai Dairy Industry (Ms. Pensri)
12.00 � 13.30 Lunch
SESSION 4 Theme: Developing the Asian Smallholder Dairy Development Strategy (continued):
Session Facilitator: Nancy Morgan
13.30 � 14.00 Analysis of key issues and options (David Young)
14.00 � 15.00 Building the key elements of the strategy: (David Young) team works
15.00 � 15.30 Break
15.30 � 16.45 Presentation of team findings and round table discussion on shaping the strategy (David Young)
16.15 � 17.00 The basic elements of the strategic logframe will be introduced (David Young)
18.30 � 20.30 Dinner at Hotel

Friday, 29 February 2008


Sally Bulatao, former Administrator, National Dairy Authority &

Co-founder, Dairy Development Foundation of the Philippines, Inc

Time Activity
07.00 � 08.30 Breakfast
SESSION 5 Theme: Finalising the Asian Smallholder Dairy Development Strategy: Session Facilitators: David Young/Anthony Bennett
09.00 � 09.30 Overview of the Strategy: presentation of draft logframe for Asia DDS � based on outcome session 4 team work (David Young)
09.30.-.10.30 Further analysis and teamwork on themes and priority interventions Finalisation of the regional strategy - final plenary session to:
review the strategy planning process the results achieved so far and the steps required to bring the process to a conclusion
Including discussion on how & when individual countries should adapt the strategy to their own circumstances and operationalize it within the mainstream planning & budgeting systems
Participants will be asked to complete a workshop evaluation form before wrapping up the session
10.30 - 11.00 Break
11.00 � 12.30 Wrap up statement by Chairperson
Feedback from participants
Comments by FAO Senior Officer, RAP
Comments by CFC
What did we miss?
Next steps by facilitators
12.30 � 14.00 Lunch
Afternoon Departure of workshop participants

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