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FAO FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE TECHNICAL PAPER No. 517 Safety practices related to small fishing vessel stabilityby Ari Gudmundsson Fishery Industry Officer (Vessels) Fishing Technology Service Fish Products and Industry Division FAO, Rome |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106202-9
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© FAO and UNEP 2009
Gudmundsson, A. Safety practices related to small fishing vessel stability. FAO Fisheries and AquacultureTechnical Paper;No. 517. Rome, FAO. 2009. 54p. Abstract This document introduces some basic principles on the stability of small fishing vessels and provides simple guidance on what fishing vessel crews can do to maintain adequate stability for their vessels. It is not intended to be a complete course on fishing vessel stability The publication is aimed at fishers and their families, fishing vessel owners, boatbuilders, competent authorities and others who are interested in the safety of fishing vessels and fishers. It may also serve as a guide for those concerned with training in matters of safety of fishing vessels. It is recommended to translate and adapt the content for each target audience, in order to be consistent with the local weather conditions, types of vessels, fishing gear being used, etc. |
Preparation of this document (Download 568 kb)
1. Introduction
2. Definitions (Download 535 kb -
426 kb -
348 kb -
767 kb)
Light ship weight
Displacement mass
Centre of gravity
Centre of buoyancy
Transverse stability
Why a fishing vessel remains upright
Metacentric height
Unstable equilibrium
Neutral equilibrium
Stiff and tender vessels
Suspended weight
Free surface effect
Watertight and weathertight integrity
Built-in buoyancy for undecked vessels
Righting lever
Stability curves (GZ curves)
Dynamic stability
Changes in the stability curve during the voyage
3. Precautions (Download 466 kb -
603 kb)
Enclosed superstructures and means of closing
Securing of heavy material
Stowage of the catch
Effects of fishing gear on stability
Free surface effects
Following and quartering seas
Crossing sand bars and beach landings
Determining stability of small vessels with rolling period tests
4. Alterations to vessels (Download 102 kb)
5. Stability criteria for small fishing vessels (Download 78 kb)
6. Stability documentation (Download 446 kb)
Stability notice
Hydrostatic curves
Cross curves
Operating conditions
Stability curve
7. References (Download 277 kb)
Annex 1 Examples of symbols used in stability documentation
Annex 2 Terms and symbols
Annex 3 Test on fishing vessel stability
Annex 4 Documentation consulted