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Adapting to climate changeUnasylva No. 231/232
Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
F. Castañeda, T. Hofer, D. Kneeland, A. Perlis, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins
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(Download- 56 KB)
P. Bernier and D. Schoene
Adapting forests and their management to climate change: an overview (Download- 250 KB)
B. Osman-Elasha
Climate change impacts, adaptation and links to sustainable development in Africa (Download- 520 KB)
D. Konkin and K. Hopkins
Learning to deal with climate change and catastrophic forest disturbances (Download- 336 KB)
M. van Zonneveld, J. Koskela, B. Vinceti and A. Jarvis
Impact of climate change on the distribution of tropical pines in Southeast Asia (Download- 432 KB)
M.S. Devall
Effect of global climate change on rare trees and shrubs (Download- 104 KB)
M. Silveira Wrege, R.C.V. Higa, R. Miranda Britez, M. Cordeiro Garrastazu, V.A. de Sousa, P.H. Caramori, B. Radin and
H.J. Braga
Climate change and conservation of Araucaria angustifolia in Brazil (Download- 242 KB)
D.I. Nazimova, O.V. Drobushevskaya, G.B. Kofman and M.E. Konovalova
Forest adaptation strategies: analysis of long-term post-fire succession in southern Siberia, Russian Federation (Download- 160 KB)
J. Régnière
Predicting insect continental distributions from species physiology (Download- 226 KB)
C.D. Allen
Climate-induced forest dieback: an escalating global phenomenon? (Download- 292 KB)
A. Yanchuk and G. Allard
Tree improvement programmes for forest health – can they keep pace with climate changes? (Download- 371 KB)
G.M. Blate, L.A. Joyce, J.S. Littell, S.G. McNulty, C.I. Millar, S.C. Moser, R.P. Neilson, K. O’Halloran and D.L. Peterson
Adapting to climate change in United States national forests (Download- 291 KB)
S. Mansourian, A. Belokurov and P.J. Stephenson
The role of forest protected areas in adaptation to climate change (Download- 320 KB)
B.A. Gyampoh, S. Amisah, M. Idinoba and J. Nkem
Using traditional knowledge to cope with climate change in rural Ghana (Download- 198 KB)
M. Idinoba, F. Kalame, J. Nkem, D. Blay and Y. Coulibaly
Climate change and non-wood forest products: vulnerability and adaptation in West Africa (Download- 108 KB)
M. Maroschek, R. Seidl, S. Netherer and M.J. Lexer
Climate change impacts on goods and services of European mountain forests (Download- 214 KB)
FAO Forestry (Download- 442 KB)
World of Forestry (Download- 116 KB)
Books (Download- 160 KB)