Map of crop prospects and food supply situation


Cyprus Israel Jordan Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Rep. Japan Taiwan Philippines Malaysia Indonesia Nepal Bangladesh Cambodia Yemen Sri Lanka Afghanistan Turkey East Timor Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Russian Federation Lebanon Syria Iraq Saudi Arabia Georgia Iran Turkmenistan Pakistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Bhutan India Myanmar Thailand Laos Vietnam Mongolia China

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Asia Map

Unfavourable prospects for current crops Food supply shortfall in current marketing year requiring exceptional assistance Unfavourable crop prospects and food supply shortfall

ASIA: In Iraq, despite a good crop this year, the effects of war, sanctions and recent drought have seriously eroded the asset base of the population and left most of the population relying on food rations for their daily subsistence. Except for Georgia and Armenia, cereal harvests in most of the Asian CIS countries are now estimated at above average, although still lower than the bumper harvests of last year. In Afghanistan, a record cereal harvest is envisaged, but access to food remains difficult for a significant number of households. In DPR Korea, prospects for the rice and maize crops are improved as a result of generally good weather conditions.

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