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Doha, State of Qatar, 15 March 2004

Summary Report

Sub-Regional Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Security for North Africa
Doha, Qatar, 15 March 2004

1. A side-meeting was held to discuss the sub-regional strategy and programme for food security for North Africa. The meeting was attended by representatives from member countries of the sub-region (Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania) in addition to FAO Officers concerned from the Regional and sub-regional Offices. The Meeting reviewed FAO efforts to support countries of the Region in developing National Strategies for Food Security as well as regional/Sub-regional strategies and Programmes for Food Security to support member countries in achieving the food security goal through specific actions complementing the national efforts. FAO efforts with other regional economic organizations in the Region (CAEU and ECO) were reviewed and discussed. The elements of the strategic frame and envisaged technical assistance prepared earlier by the Secretariat of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) in collaboration with FAO was outlined and discussed.

2. The Meeting was briefed on the recently signed Protocol/Agreement between FAO and the Secretary of the AMU, and the on-going technical committee meetings of the AMU Secretariat. The Meeting agreed that representatives of the member countries attending this side-meeting would report to their governments on the relevance of the draft prepared by the Secretariat in collaboration with FAO. It also agreed to request the discussion of the draft through the AMU Committee for Food Security that would meet during the third quarter of 2004. The FAO Sub-regional Office in Tunisia would follow up this matter with the AMU Secretariat and member countries as appropriate. The representative of the host country for the above mentioned AMU Committee indicated the willingness to include the draft as a discussion item during this meeting. FAO (RNE/SNE) stands ready to provide technical support for further discussion on the formulation of such project document, as needed.

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