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4.1 Conservation in seed stands

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MoAF) in Albania supported the Forest and Pasture Reasearch Institute in the project concerning the ‘Evaluation of seed orchards for some of the main species in Albania and proposal for measures to improve them’ (FPRI, 2002).

Seed stands for the main forest tree species have been established to provide reliable reproductive materials. These stands are located in areas shown in Appendix 2.

The FPRI is working to monitor and improve some seed stands because during the latter years of the decentralization period in Albania, there was much damage caused by illegal cutting.

Appendix 3 and 4 show informations about genetic resources of beech and oak in Albania.

4.2 In situ conservation of stands of oak and beech

In the framework of the European Network on Forest Genetic Resources (REFORGEN), a number of activities have been undertaken to identify important oak and beech stands for genetic conservation. See Appendix 3 and 4 detail such information.

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