Map of crop prospects and food supply situation


Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Sudan Eritrea Djibouti Ethiopia Somalia Burundi Rwanda Tanzania Uganda Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Zimbabwe Swaziland Lesotho South Africa Botswana Zambia Namibia Angola Congo Gabon Equatorial Guinea Cameroon Central African Rep. Congo, Democratic Rep. Nigeria Benin Togo Ghana Burkina Faso Cote d'Ivoire Liberia Sierra Leone Guinea Guinea-Bissau Gambia Senegal Mauritania Mali Niger Chad W. Sahara Morocco
Africa Map

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Unfavourable prospects for current crops
Food supply shortfall in current marketing year requiring exceptional assistance
Unfavourable crop prospects and food supply shortfall

AFRICA:�In eastern Africa, prospects for main season crops improved with average to above-average rainfall in most parts. In Eritrea, however, rains have been persistently poor. A grave humanitarian crisis prevails in western Sudan due to civil conflict which has displaced over 1 million people. In northern and western Africa, the desert locust threat remains extremely serious; control operations are hampered by lack of resources. In southern Africa, Zimbabwe could face acute food shortages as early estimates of 2004 food production indicate a potential food deficit of up to 1 million tonnes of cereals which may require a combination of commercial imports and food aid. This forecast cannot, however, be confirmed at this stage as the FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission could not be completed.

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