FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - AFGHANISTAN* (12 May)


Latest reports and satellite imagery indicate that temperatures during spring have been relatively high and precipitation below average. The rainfed cereals, which depend on spring precipitation and on average accounted for over 20 percent of aggregate cereals, may have been affected somewhat. In addition, early snowmelt following unusually variable temperatures may reduce water availability during the critical summer months. Aggregate area planted with cereals has somewhat declined compared with the record area planted last year. Given the volatile nature of weather conditions in Afghanistan, it is too early to predict cereal harvest at this stage. However, indications are that aggregate cereal harvest will be somewhat lower than last year’s record harvest of about 5.4 million tonnes.

Access to food for many vulnerable households has remained difficult, and targeted food assistance continues to be necessary for a large number of households. The current Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO), which began in April 2003 is expected to come to an end by March 2005 and will target some 9.24 million people with a total of 619 000 tonnes of food aid. This PRRO includes three main components, Food for Work, Food for Education and targeting vulnerable households including IDPS and returning refugees.