FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - ERITREA* (1 May)

ERITREA* (1 May)

Planting of the 2004 cereal and pulse crops is not scheduled until June. However, poor “azmera” (March-May) rains which normally assist land preparations and replenishment of water and pasture , do not augur well for crop prospects. In addition, rains that normally fall along Eritrea's eastern and coastal areas from November to February have largely failed for the fourth consecutive year, raising fears of another drought.

The 2003 grain production was generally poor and cereal output is now estimated at 105 000 tonnes, about 55 percent below average. Consequently, the cereal import requirement for 2004 has been estimated at 415 000 tonnes, of which 90 000 tonnes is estimated to be imported commercially. The uncovered cereal deficit – for which international assistance is urgently required – amounts to 325 000 tonnes. In response to the overall low supply of grain, prices are generally high in most urban markets.

Overall, nearly 1.9 million people are currently estimated to be in need of food assistance. Reports indicate serious concerns over the lack of pledges and low levels of food aid stocks that have prompted a reduction in amounts of ration and number of targeted beneficiaries.