FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 05/04 - ZAMBIA (19 May)

ZAMBIA (19 May)

An early estimate of the 2004 main season maize production in Zambia is 1.4 million tonnes, about 21 percent up from the previous year’s above average output of 1.2 million tonnes (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives). Rainfall over much of the country has been favourable for the main-season crops planted in October-November 2003. According to the Zambian Meteorological Department, in general the cumulative rainfall has been above normal in the east and the north, normal in the centre but below normal in the south. More recently heavy rainfall upstream of Zambezi River caused severe flooding in Western and North-western Provinces. The Government encouraged increased plantings and fertilizer use through its extended input subsidy programme to help boost food production. With the improved production, Zambia could potentially export about 250 000 tonnes of maize to food deficit neighbouring countries.