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CODEX STAN 193-1995 (Rev. 1-1997)
Lo siguiente deberá cancelarse de la Norma General del Codex y las Toxinas presentes en los alimentos:

Section 1.5: Format of the Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods.
The listing of the Codex standards for the different contaminants may be according to a numbering system for contaminants (see Annex IV). The Codex standards are summarized in a list of contents, and an alphabetical listing of the contaminants shall be added for easy reference.
In this Annex an annotated list is presented of the contaminants and toxins that are or have been dealt with in the CCFAC. It does not only encompass the contaminants and toxins for which Codex standards exist or are being developed, but also those for which further information is sought or about which a Codex decision has been taken.
The annotated list has the purpose of providing an overview of the situation regarding Codex decisions about this subject and to give guidance about further actions required. Therefore also relevant information and references are added to the list. The information shall comprise at least the current situation regarding the criteria that are important for the decision procedure of the CCFAC.
It is thus an active list, which needs to be regularly updated. In order to provide a structure for it and to facilitate the filing and retrieval of data, a number is assigned to the contaminants and toxins in the list.
The situation regarding contaminants and toxins is very complex and many substances are or have been the subject of scientific research and discussion regarding their occurrence in foods and their significance for human and animal health. On a national level, there are many activities, sometimes implying legal measures which may affect international trade in foods and feeds. It is obviously important for the CCFAC to take note of the developments in this field and to consider the necessity of actions. In order to obtain an overview of the the situation, the CCFAC shall develop and maintain a working document in which more comprehensive information regarding contaminants and toxins in foods is presented in summary form. The document shall consist of an annotated comprehensive list of contaminants and toxins (Annex IV-A), and a collection of summarized textual information to the substances on the list, with references (Annex IV-B). Annex IV-A shall be structure according to a substance categorization system, by which code numbers can be assigned to the substances on the list, to allow logical and easy filing and presentation of data. This more comprehensive list shall be the basis for the code numbers which are used in Annex IV.

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