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The authors wish to thank the following for useful comments on earlier drafts of this paper: Jean-Marie Samyn, Jane Carter, Carol Colfer, Jon Lindsay and Jean Louis Blanchez. We also wish to thank David Palmer (FAO) for his support in the preparation of the paper. Finally we wish to thank our other colleagues in Kyrgzstan, especially Ennio Grisa and the staff of KIRFOR for their professionalism and enthusiasm for the work of CFM.

The research project Kaspar Schmidt and Nurlan Akenshaev are engaged in is funded through the Research Fellow Partnership Programme (RFPP), an SDC initiative managed by the Centre for International Agriculture (ZIL) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). It receives additional support from the Kyrgyz-Swiss Forestry Support Programme KIRFOR, the Forest Institute of the Kyrgyz Republic, CIFOR’s research programme on Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM), British Council and the ORS Award Scheme.

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