FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - CHAD (21 October)

CHAD (21 October)

Widespread and above normal rainfall since July benefited crop development in most producing areas. Millet and sorghum are maturing in the Sudanian zone while they are developing in the Sahelian zone. Crop prospects are favourable. Small-scale breeding of Desert Locusts was in progress in the central province of Batha, in the north-eastern region of Ennedi and in the eastern region of Ouaddai where crop losses were reported. However, cereal production at national level is not expected to be significantly affected.

As of early October, the estimated number of Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad was 196 000. A recent survey by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) revealed alarming malnutrition rates and a worrisome health situation among refugees.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is currently in the country to estimate the 2004 cereal production and assess the impact of Desert Locusts on food security.