FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - CAPE VERDE (15 October)

CAPE VERDE (15 October)

Following irregular and limited rains in August, precipitation increased significantly in September and early October on Santiago and Fogo islands improving crop prospects, but remained limited on Santo Antao and Sao Nicolau islands, where crops suffered water stress. Moreover, several islands have been invaded by Desert Locust swarms in July and August, and hatching and band formation occurred, notably on Santiago, Maio and Boa Vista Islands. Swarms from current infestations in Senegal and Mauritania continue to invade the country. Therefore, overall crop harvest prospects are unfavourable. However, even in a normal year, domestic production covers only one-fifth of the country’s cereal utilization requirement and the balance has to be imported.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission will visit the country towards the end of the month to estimate the 2004 cereal production and assess the impact of Desert Locusts on food security.