FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (1 October)


Heavy rains in September, as a result of Hurricane “Ivan” and tropical storm “Jeanne” caused damage to housing, infrastructure and negatively affected food and cash crops in several areas of the country. Although an official assessment in not yet available, major losses are reported to the paddy crop about to be harvested in north-eastern area of Bajo Yuna, to cocoa, avocado and citrus crops in the eastern provinces of Higüey, El Seibo and La Altagracia, and to bananas plantations (with losses up to 75 per cent of production) in the important producing area of central Cibao. Food shortages and significant price increases are reported in some eastern provinces, seriously affecting the most vulnerable groups.

Early estimates indicate a 2004 paddy crop of about 580 000 tonnes, 20 percent lower than the previous record forecast and 9 percent below last year’s level. This decline is due to the negative impact on paddy crop of the abundant rains of September but also of heavy precipitation that affected South-West and North-East provinces at the end of May. In marketing year 2004/05 (July/June), imports of wheat and maize (mostly yellow maize for the animal feed industry) are expected to be 330 000 tonnes and 700 000 tonnes respectively, similar to those of the previous year.