FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - ETHIOPIA* (15 October)

ETHIOPIA* (15 October)

Harvesting of the 2004 main “Meher” cereal crop is about to start and prospects are mixed. The main producing regions in western and central parts of the country are expected to have an average crop while the eastern crop producing and agro-pastoral areas are facing serious problems due to late and erratic seasonal rains coupled with inadequate seed supplies. Furthermore, in the secondary “belg” season dependent areas crop and livestock production were adversely affected by insufficient and poorly distributed rains. Normally, the belg season rains extend from February to May and the crop accounts for some 10 percent of total grain production but in some areas it provides the bulk of annual grain production.

The pastoral areas of south-central and eastern parts of the country are particularly affected with unusual migration of livestock being reported in parts. A recent inter-agency impact assessment of belg dependent and pastoral areas has that the emergency food needs have risen with 7.8 million people now requiring assistance for the remainder of 2004. The gross relief food requirement for August-December 2004 is estimated about 523 000 tonnes. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is planned to visit the country from mid-November to assess the "Meher" production and estimate food assistance requirements in 2005.