FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - LESOTHO* (14 October)

LESOTHO* (14 October)

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission in May estimated the 2004 cereal output at 49 400 tonnes, less than half of last year’s production. Late and poorly distributed rainfall, reduced cultivated area and a drastic cut in the use of fertiliser and improved seed following removal of subsidies accounted for the decline in production. Cereal import requirements are estimated at 352 000 tonnes (including rice), most of it to be covered on a commercial basis. Food relief estimated at about 48 500 tonnes of cereals would be needed for the most vulnerable people affected by crop failure and by HIV/AIDS. Currently WFP feeds up to 400 000 people through general and targeted distributions. A new regional PRRO will target about 171 000 beneficiaries.