FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/04 - SUDAN* (15 October)

SUDAN* (15 October)

A humanitarian crisis prevails in Greater Darfur, where fighting has forced more than 1.2 million people from their homes and farms, with large numbers crossing into neighbouring Chad. Reports paint a grim picture where the conflict has engulfed almost all parts of Greater Darfur, making it very difficult for agricultural activities and humanitarian assistance.

In southern Sudan, the March to May rains were normal to above normal. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) is currently in southern Sudan to evaluate the outcome of the current season. In central and northern Sudan, harvesting of the 2004 main season cereal crops is about to start. An CFSA Mission is planned to visit the northern parts of the country from mid-November to assess the 2004 main season cereal production and estimate overall commercial imports/exports and food aid requirements in 2005.

A revised Emergency Operation was jointly approved by FAO and WFP on 9 July 2004 for food assistance to 2.1 million people affected by war and drought, worth US$158 million until the end of 2004.