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13. The Commission recommended that FAO should continue to provide support to countries’ efforts to improve their forestry information systems, including national forest inventories and contributions of the forestry sector (wood and non-wood products) to national economies, to support policy decisions in countries. (para. 18).

14. The Commission recommended that FAO should broaden the focus of outlook studies to include: non-wood forest products; the multi-functions of forests; payment for forest-generated environmental services; small- and medium-sized enterprises; forest health; and markets for wood products (para.19).

15. The 23rd Session of the LACFC witnessed the unprecedented participation of civil society representatives, which was an example of the consultative processes undertaken by the national forest programmes and of the increasing importance given by the countries to community forest management. In view of this, the Commission recommended that the issue be subject to further discussion at the next meeting of COFLAC and at COFO, with the objective of identifying mechanisms to strengthen such participation. (para. 21).

16. The Commission recommended that FAO establish a working group at headquarters, with the objective of improving information sharing among countries and international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations on forestry activities in the Region (para. 24).

17. The Commission noted that many countries lacked the experience or capacity to effectively develop a national consensus, involving representatives of all forest stakeholders, for the intergovernmental dialogue on forests. It therefore sought support from the National Forest Programme Facility to deal with these matters within the framework of such programmes. (para. 30).

18. The Commission noted the importance of trade and trade agreements relating to wood and non-wood forest products in the Region and recommended that FAO follow up on this matter in order to assess the potential impact on the sector. (para. 44).

19. The Commission requested COFO to seek new and additional resources to finance the implementation of the activities prepared by the Subregional Groups (para. 33).

20. The Commission highlighted the close relationship between criteria and indicators, the certification and the trade of forest products and recommended that FAO follow up on this matter in order to determine possible consequences. (para. 46).

21. Noting the high incidence of forest fire that caused serious damage in the Region, the Commission agreed to draw to the attention of the 17th Session of COFO the outcome of the Pan-American Conference on Wildland Fire which would be held immediately following the 23rd Session of the LACFC. It also noted with satisfaction that the forthcoming Ministerial Meeting on Forests to be held at FAO Headquarters in March 2005 would address international agreement on the management and control of forest fire. (para. 47).

22. The Commission recommended that countries should integrate forests into their national development plans and poverty reduction strategies. The Commission recommended that COFO should underscore the role of forests in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and that the members of the LACFC should coordinate efforts to this end, through the working plans of the Subregional groups. (para. 48).

23. In view of the importance of forests in the Region and of FAO’s role in providing country support, the Commission recommended that the FAO Forestry Department should be strengthened. (para. 49).

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