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Countries participating in the meeting of the Group: Belize, Cuba, Dominican Repubic, , Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States of America. The Dominican Republic holds the Vice-Chair of the Caribbean Subregional Group for the period 2004-2006.

The practice to carry out the work of the Caribbean Subregional Group in small working groups will continue. The main reason is that cooperation is focused, concentrating on countries with similar social and ecological conditions.

Up to now activities were undertaken in three main groups:

1. Small- and medium-sized English-speaking islands: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados. Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago,

2. French and Spanish-speaking islands: Cuba, Dominican Republic and Haiti.

3. Countries with large areas of forests: Belize, Guyana, French Guyana and Suriname.

The definition of these working groups is not exclusive. Participation in regional activities will also depend on the interest of the respective country. In past meetings countries from different working groups also participated.


Principal thematic areas of common interest

• Development of programmes for forest fire management. A decision was taken that the Caribbean Subregional Group would be the appropriate mechanism for the undertaking of activities of a Caribbean network on forest fire. Within two years it will be decided if an independent Caribbean network will be established or if the Subregional Group will continue coordinating activities.

• Methodologies for the preparation of forest inventories, including the preparation of maps.

• Development of community and participatory forestry.

• Development of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management.

• Development of an appraisal methodology of environmental services and its inclusion in the national accounts.

Exchange and management of information

A rough draft of a format for a Web site of the Caribbean Subregional Group was discussed and the Group agreed and supported the institutionalization of a page presented within the framework of the LACFC Web site.

Activities proponed by the working groups

Small-and medium-sized English-speaking islands

• Combating Forest fire

• Forest inventory and mapping

• Development of community and participatory forestry

• Mitigation of cyclone effects for the forestry sector

French and Spanish-speaking islands

• Combating Forest fire

Cuba and Dominican Republic have institutional and organizational arrangements for the prevention and control of forest fire. It was decided to carry out the following steps:

Forest inventory and mapping

• Criteria and indicators

Countries with large areas of forest

The working group of the Caribbean countries with large areas of forests (Belize, Guyana, French Guyana and Suriname) will carry out a fifth technical meeting on management and monitoring of forest harvesting practices. Two possible themes were suggested: Chainsaw logging or approaches to forest certification.


Countries participating in the meeting of the Group: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Venezuela. Venezuela holds the Vice-Chair of the Amazon Subregional Group for the period 2004-2006.

1. Information system

Title: Develop the first elements of a subregional information system for: (i) Forest cover; and (ii) Information on national accounts.


Inputs and possible sources of financing

2. International agreements

Title: To promote areas for discussion of: (i) Implementation of international agreements at a regional level; and (ii) to reflect on the agreements, experiences and regional demands.


Inputs and possible sources of financing

3. Mechanisms for consultation and dialogue

Title: Promote an institutionalized space, within the countries, for dialogue and consultation of the forestry sector, defining principles for its means of functioning.


Inputs and possible sources of financing

4. Financing Mechanisms

Title: Define the necessary conditions to capture/attract investments and financing for sustainable forest management.


Inputs and possible sources of financing

Other items of interest

Other items were also considered important, however it was considered that they could overload the plan of work for the period 2004-2006. Nevertheless, the Group recommended to keep in mind as a high priority for the next period the following items:


Countries participating in the meeting of the Group: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. Costa Rica holds the Vice-Chair of the Meso-America Subregional Group for the period 2004-2006.

1. Activity Title

Define, disseminate and consolidate a common vision to facilitate a development process for the forest sector in Central America and Mexico, in harmony with the relevant international commitments and recommendations.

Main activity: Recognize the Lepaterique Process as the reference framework to orient the criteria and indicators.

Expected result: Criteria and indicators to be applied in at least four countries.

Period: 2 years

Participating countries: Meso-America

Possible financing: FAO

Main activity: CTB and CTAP of the CCAD propose meetings with coordinators of regional projects to identify activities of interest.

Expected result: Forestry and protected areas components of the different regional projects will integrate efforts.

Period: 2 years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO

Main activity: Establish the Meso-American Network of Permanent Monitoring of Natural Forests.

Expected result: The Meso-American Network of Permanent Monitoring of Natural Forests created and in operation.

Period: 2 years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO

Main activity: Inclusion of the concept of a “biological corridor” in the strategies of development of the forestry sector in the Subregion.

Expected result: Strengthening of the National Committees of Biological Corridors to include this concept in the workplans of forestry sector institutions.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Meso-America

Possible financing: To be defined.

2. Activity Title

To facilitate the preparation or up-dating of policies, plans or national forest programmes in the countries of the Region, as well as their implementation through dynamic processes and with the participation of the relevant sectors.

Main activity: Belize has negotiated its project support with FAO.

Expected result: Plans or national forest programmes in the seven countries of the Region being implemented.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Guatemala has updated its forestry policy.

Expected result: Plans or national forest programmes in the seven countries of the region are being implemented.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Nicaragua reassuming its national forest programme supported by the World Bank

Resultado esperado: Plans or national forest programmes in the seven countries of the region being implemented.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Panama has negotiated its project of support to national forest programmes.

Expected result: Plans or national forest programmes in the seven countries of the Region are being implemented.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Identify and apply the necessary financial mechanisms to promote the forestry sector as a strategy for sustainable development.

Expected result: FAO/Netherlands Project for the development of financial mechanisms approved and in execution.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: To provide grassroots organizations with technical and administrative training so they can actively participate in the national forest programmes of their respective countries.

Expected result: grassroots organizations participating actively in national forest programmes.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO, World Bank, The Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Support to the Forestry Administration of El Salvador in the organization of the IV Central American Forestry Congress.

Expected result: organization of IV Central American Forestry Congress.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: To be defined.

3. Activity Title

Identify and develop regional projects in support of the national forest programmes which would allow support to the countries to face high-priority forest problems in the Region.

Main activity: Preparation of project proposals and negotiation with possible donors.

Expected result: At least four projects in negotiation, two of them financed:

- Financial mechanisms

- Governability

- Adaptation to climate changes

- Forests and climate changes.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO/Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Identification of activities to be developed within the Central American Forestry Strategy (EFCA), with the support of the National Forest Programme Facility.

Expected result: EFCA Projects prioritized for financing of the Facility.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO/Government of The Netherlands

Main activity: Participation and support to meetings of the Regional Working Groups on Forest Fire, Pests and Forest Diseases.

Expected result:   Regional group of coordination on fire and pests management operating and implementing the Regional Fire Plan and the Regional Strategy on Health and Forest Management.

Period: Two years

Participating countries: Central America and Mexico

Possible financing: FAO/Government of The Netherlands


Countries participating in the meeting of the Group: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Chile holds the Vice-Chair of the Southern Cone Subregional Group for the period 2004-2006.

1. Activity Title

Strengthening of the forest information systems for the preparation and validation of criteria and indicators for the sustainable forest management in the Subregion (Montreal Process).

Main activities and period

• Reformulate the existing Project profile and others on the basis of the inputs generated during the period 2002-2004.

• Oversee its presentation to financing sources.

• Execution of the project with validation of the main selected indicators.

Expected results

Information systems operating with validated criteria and indicators.

Participating countries

Argentina, Chile Paraguay and Uruguay, and The Netherlands as observer.

Possible source of financing

• FAO Technical Cooperation Programme.

• Support from the Secretariat of the Montreal Process.

2. Activity Title

Strategies and financial mechanisms for the conservation and sustainable utilization of forests.

Main activities

• Identification and analysis of financial mechanisms.

• Financial strategy within the framework of the countries’ forest programmes.

Expected results

Strengthening of the financial strategy of the forest programmes.

Participating countries

Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, and The Netherlands as observer.

Possible source of financing

The Government of The Netherlands.


We, the group of countries from the Southern Cone, decided to join the formulation process of the proposal which will follow the dialogue on forests in Latin America.  To do so, the group will act through its Vice-president in coordination with the formulation group of project PUEMBO II.

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