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Andersson, B. (2004) Access to land and land administration in post-conflict situations: a case study on Kosovo.

Ascherio A, Biellik, R, Epstein A, Snetro G, Gloyd S, Aytte B, Epstein PR (1995) Deaths and injuries caused by landmines in Mozambique. The Lancet. 346: 721-724

Bailliet C (2003) Property restitution in Guatemala: a Transnational dilemma. In Leckie S (ed.) Returning Home: Housing and Property Restitution Rights of Refugees and Displaced Persons. Transnational Publishers, Ardsley NY

Barquero F (2004) Access to land in post-conflict situations: a case study in Nicaragua. FAO, Rome

Bavnick M (1998) A matter of maintaining peace, state accommodation to subordinate legal systems: the case of fisheries along the Coromandel coast of Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Legal Pluralism 40:151-170

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Howard P and Homer-Dixon T (1995) Environmental scarcity and violent conflict: the case of Chiapas, Mexico. Toronto: Project on Environment, Population, and Security, University of Toronto

Human Rights Watch Arms Project (HRWAP) (1994) Landmines in Mozambique. New York:

Human Rights Watch

Huggins C (2004) Land access issues in post-genocide Rwanda. Food and Agriculture Organization, of the United Nations

Hutchinson R (1994) Fighting for Survival: Insecurity, People and the Environment on the Horn of Africa. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN

Jones L (2003) Giving and taking away: the difference between theory and practice regarding property in Rwanda. In Leckie S (ed.) Returning Home: Housing and Property Restitution Rights of Refugees and Displaced Persons. Transnational Publishers, Ardsley NY

Kelly K, and Homer-Dixon T (1995) Environmental scarcity and violent conflict: the case of Gaza, Toronto: Project on Environment, Population, and Security, University of Toronto

Krznaric, R. (1997) Guatemalan Returnees and the Dilemma of Political Mobilization. Journal of Refugee Studies 10: 61-78

Korf B (2002) Ethnicised entitlements in land tenure of protracted conflicts: the case of Sri Lanka. Paper presented at 9th Biennial IASCP Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17-21 June

Leckie S (2003) New directions in housing and property restitution. In Leckie S (ed.) Returning Home: Housing and Property Restitution Rights of Refugees and Displaced Persons. Transnational Publishers, Ardsley NY

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McGregor, J. (1995) Staking Their Claims: Land Disputes in Southern Mozambique.

Unpublished manuscript

Norfolk S (2004) Examining access to natural resources and linkages to sustainable livelihoods: a case study of Mozambique. LSP Working Paper 17, FAO, Rome

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Unruh JD (1995a) The relationship between indigenous pastoralist resource tenure and state tenure in Somalia. GeoJournal 36: 19-26

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Further information about the LSP

The Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) works through the following sub-programmes:

Improving people’s access to natural resources

Access of the poor to natural assets is essential for sustainable poverty reduction. The livelihoods of rural people with limited or no access to natural resources are vulnerable because they have difficulty in obtaining food, accumulating assets, and recuperating after shocks or misfortunes.

Participation, Policy and Local Governance

Local people, especially the poor, often have weak or indirect influence on policies that affect their livelihoods. Policies developed at the central level are often not responsive to local needs and may not enable access of the rural poor to needed assets and services.

Livelihoods diversification and enterprise development

Diversification can assist households to insulate themselves from environmental and economic shocks, trends and seasonality - in effect, to be less vulnerable. Livelihoods diversification is complex, and strategies can include enterprise development.

Natural resource conflict management

Resource conflicts are often about access to and control over natural assets that are fundamental to the livelihoods of many poor people. Therefore, the shocks caused by these conflicts can increase the vulnerability of the poor.

Institutional learning

The institutional learning sub-programme has been set up to ensure that lessons learned from cross-departmental, cross-sectoral team work, and the application of sustainable livelihoods approaches, are identified, analysed and evaluated for feedback into the programme.

Capacity building

The capacity building sub-programme functions as a service-provider to the overall programme, by building a training programme that responds to the emerging needs and priorities identified through the work of the other sub-programmes.

People-centred approaches in different cultural contexts

A critical review and comparison of different recent development approaches used in different development contexts is being conducted, drawing on experience at the strategic and field levels in different sectors and regions.

Mainstreaming sustainable livelihoods approaches in the field

FAO designs resource management projects worth more than US$1.5 billion per year. Since smallholder agriculture continues to be the main livelihood source for most of the world’s poor, if some of these projects could be improved, the potential impact could be substantial.

Sustainable Livelihoods Referral and Response Facility

A Referral and Response Facility has been established to respond to the increasing number of requests from within FAO for assistance on integrating sustainable livelihood and people-centred approaches into both new and existing programmes and activities.

For further information on the Livelihood Support Programme,
contact the programme coordinator:
Email: [email protected]

LSP WORKING PAPERS to December 2004

Baumann P., (July 2002) Improving Access to Natural Resources for the Rural Poor: A critical analysis of central concepts and emerging trends from a sustainable livelihoods perspective. FAO, LSP WP 1, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Cotula L., (August 2002) Improving Access to Natural Resources for the Rural Poor: The experience of FAO and of other key organisations from a sustainable livelihoods perspective. FAO, LSP WP 2, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Karl M., (August 2002) Participatory Policy Reform from a Sustainable Livelihoods Perspective: Review of concepts and practical experiences. FAO, LSP WP 3, Participation, Policy and Local Governance Sub-Programme. Also available in Spanish and French.

Warren P., (December 2002) Livelihoods Diversification and Enterprise Development: An initial exploration of Concepts and Issues. FAO, LSP WP 4, Livelihoods Diversification and Enterprise Development Sub-Programme.

Cleary D., with contributions from Pari Baumann, Marta Bruno, Ximena Flores and Patrizio Warren (September 2003) People-Centred Approaches: A brief literature review and comparison of types. FAO, LSP WP 5, People-Centered Approaches in Different Cultural Contexts Sub-Programme. Also available in Spanish and French.

Seshia S. with Scoones I., Environment Group, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK (November 2003) Understanding Access to Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources. What Can a Livelihoods Perspective Offer? FAO, LSP WP 6, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Biggs S. D., and Messerschmidt D., (December 2003) The Culture of Access to Mountain Natural Resources: Policy, Processes and Practices. FAO, LSP WP 7, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Evrard O., (Janvier 2004) La mise en oeuvre de la réforme foncière au Laos: Impacts sociaux et effets sur les conditions de vie en milieu rural (with summary in English). FAO, LSP WP 8, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Ellis F., Allison E., Overseas Development Group, University of Anglia, UK (January 2004) Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Access. FAO, LSP WP 9, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme, Livelihood Diversification and Enterprise Development Sub-Programme.

Hodgson S., (March 2004) Land and Water - the rights interface. FAO, LSP WP 10, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Mitchell R. and Hanstad T., Rural Development Institue (RDI), USA, (March 2004) Small homegarden plots and sustainable livelihoods for the poor. FAO LSP WP 11, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Hanstad T., Nielsen R., Brown J., Rural Development Institute (RDI), USA, (May 2004) Land and Livelihoods: Making land rights real for India’s rural poor. FAO LSP WP 12, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Fisher R.J., Schmidt K., Steenhof B. and Akenshaev N., (May 2004) Poverty and forestry: A case study of Kyrgyzstan with reference to other countries in West and Central Asia. FAO LSP WP 13, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Cotula L., and Toulmin, C. with van Vlaenderen, H., Tall, S.M., Gaye, G., Saunders, J., Ahiadeke, C. and Anarfi, J.K, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK (July 2004) Till to tiller: Linkages between international remittances and access to land in West Africa. FAO LSP WP 14, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Baumann P., Bruno M., Cleary D., Dubois O. and Flores X., with contributions from Warren P., Maffei T. and johnson J. (March 2004) Applying people centred development approaches within FAO: some practical lessons. FAO LSP WP 15, People Centred Approaches in Different Development Contexts Sub-Programme. Also available in Spanish and French.

Neely C., Sutherland K., and Johnson J. (October 2004) Do sustainable livelihoods approaches have a positive impact on the rural poor? - A look at twelve case studies. FAO LSP WP 16, Institutional Learning Sub-Programme.

Norfolk S. (2004) Examining access to natural resources and linkages to sustainable livelihoods: A case study of Mozambique. FAO LSP WP 17, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

Unruh J. (2004). Post-conflict land tenure: using a sustainable livelihoods approach. FAO LSP WP 18, Access to Natural Resources Sub-Programme.

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