FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 02/05 - UGANDA* (11 February)

UGANDA* (11 February)

Harvesting of the 2004/05 second season food crops is almost complete and an average crop is expected. The harvest has improved food security by replenishing household stocks and market supplies. The flow of crops to major markets, including conflict affected areas, is normal. However, prices are relatively high following the reduced 2004 main season food crops and are yet to respond to the ongoing harvest. WFP continues to provide emergency food relief to over 200 000 people in West Nile and Karamoja Regions due to drought conditions.

The civil strife in northern Uganda, despite reduced rebel attacks in recent months, continues to severely constrain the food situation of the population. Over 1.4 million displaced persons sheltering in over 100 congested protected camps, continue to depend on WFP food assistance for survival.