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The survey results provide an early warning signal of serious weaknesses in forestry education. There is a compelling need for intensive studies on, among others, the following main topics: 1) Tracer studies for forestry graduates; 2) Curriculum analysis, addressing especially the fragmentation of curricula; and 3) Delivery mechanisms, especially how contextualized learning is approached. Some studies on how forestry education deals with multidisciplinarity would also be interesting because they would help to pinpoint the causes of cross-sectoral problems. These studies would best be done at regional and subregional levels, but country and institutional studies would also be necessary because, eventually, the changes have to occur at the country and institutional levels.

At the international level there is more than ever a need to exchange information, share views and monitor global trends in forestry and advice on forestry education. Many discussions are now taking place at regional and subregional levels through networks on forestry education. The recently established International Partnership for Forestry Education (IPFE) needs to be strengthened. Good cooperation between the regional and subregional networks, FAO and IPFE can fill the information and network vacuum created by the abolition of the Advisory Commission on Forestry Education (ACFE) in 1997.


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FAO, 1998. FAO Advisory Committee on Forestry Education. Proceedings of the eighteenth session. Santiago, Chile, November 1996

FAO, 2001. Expert consultation on forestry education, 17-19 October 2001. Rabat, Morocco.

Persson, R. 2003. Assistance to forestry. Experiences and potential for improvement. Bogor: CIFOR.

Roche, L. 1975. The new look of African education. Unasylva, Vol. 27(3), No. 109.

Shirley, H. L. 1964. Professional education in forestry. Unasylva, Vol. 18 (4), No. 75.

Sisam, J. W. B. 1964. Teaching forestry and utilization. Unasylva, Vol. 18 (4), No. 75.

Temu, A., Mwanje, I. & Mogotsi, K. 2003. Improving agriculture and natural resources education in Africa: a stitch in time. World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi.

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