Major Programme 3.3: Field Operations

(all amounts in US$ 000)
  Programme 2004-05 Programme of Work ZRG Programme Change ZRG 2006-07 Programme of Work RG Programme Change RG 2006-07 Programme of Work
331 Field Operations in Various Regions 5,056 (5) 5,051 0 5,051
332 Central Support and Special Activities 4,692 270 4,962 0 4,962
333 Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation 13,750 (330) 13,420 0 13,420
339 Programme Management 1,148 0 1,148 0 1,148
Total 24,646 (65) 24,581 0 24,581
ZNG Impact     (1,150)    
Total     23,431    

Substantive thrusts under ZRG conditions

292.     It may be recalled that technical cooperation projects are now operated by FAO representations (FAORs) for national projects; by Regional Offices for regional and national projects in countries without an FAOR; and by technical departments at headquarters for inter-regional, global and normative projects. The whole process is supported by the restructured Field Operations Division (TCO), while the Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE) has overall responsibility for emergency-related activities.

293.     Under Programme 3.3.1, regional operations branches perform critical monitoring and coordination functions and provide analytical reviews of field programme implementation issues in the various regions. Programme 3.3.2 covers a number of supporting activities to the field programme, such as: provision of monitoring information; overall coordination of operational and administrative procedures; facilitation of project appraisal; implementation of fellowships; support to small-scale initiatives; and overall coordination of the preparation of project terminal reports. The Field Programme Management Information System (FPMIS) is the Organization’s primary management tool for field programme-related data in the decentralized environment. Programme 3.3.9 covers Programme Management costs of the Office of the Director, TCO.

294.     Programme 3.3.3: Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation, will continue to respond to needs for relief and early rehabilitation assistance in countries affected by exceptional natural or human-induced calamities. The programme should be exclusively funded from extra-budgetary resources and will, accordingly, require an assessment of support cost rates to be applied from 2006.

295.     Emphasis needs to be placed on providing sustained training and support to decentralized staff and on necessary adjustments to existing administrative and operational procedures. Through FPMIS, enhanced information systems support will be given to the field programme, including emergency operations to improve programme and project management capacity.

Zero Nominal Growth Impact

296.     Management and operational backstopping of the field programme may become insufficient. Preparation of consolidated reports on field programme performance for senior officers and adequate review of project-level decision-support reports would no longer be possible. Problems related to field programme operations may remain undetected and unresolved for some time. Combined with the constraints already identified under ZRG conditions, this will increase risks of an operational and financial nature. Post factum detection of problems could lead to audit missions, and thus additional cost of operations at the corporate level.