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These initiatives were undertaken through the collaboration of a large number of stakeholders from across the Near East and the African areas. The valuable support from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Oman, Tunisia, Mali, Ethiopia and Namibia was necessary to undertake the case studies in such a transparent manner. Each of these case study countries allowed FAO consultants to travel widely to feature areas and to engage with key stakeholders to obtain a sound understanding of the conditions on the ground.

We are obliged to the international and national consultants who undertook the case studies, including Messrs. Salah Rouchiche, Ibrahima Thomas, Patrick Duffy, Haji Mirsadeghi, M. Salem Abdallah Al-Masheikhi, El Haj Bakhit Ahmed, Salah Eldin Abdallah Mohamed Agieb, Habib Abid, Sory Samassekou, Million Bekele and Moses Chakanga. However, a large number of colleagues in each case study country provided valuable contributions, to whom the consultants are indebted.

The Governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya and Mali, together with FAO and the Netherlands, hosted regional workshops of low forest cover countries to identify constraints, opportunities, gaps in knowledge, lessons learned and future actions in enhancing the role of planted forests and trees outside forests in landscape restoration.

The FAO Representations in case study countries and those hosting regional workshops provided the logistical and administrative support in an efficient and effective manner. Pape Kone and Hassan Abdel Nour in the FAO Regional Offices in Accra and Cairo respectively, provided experienced technical support. Graciela Andrade and Marisalee Palermo in Rome Headquarters were critical in providing the necessary financial and administrative support. Ms Victoria Heymell authored the synthesis from the case studies and regional workshops and assisted in final editing.

The kind support of the Netherlands in providing funding for these initiatives is gratefully acknowledged.

Finally, we thank all the stakeholders who took time to share with us their perceptions and visions for enhancing the role of planted forests and trees outside forests in landscape restoration in low forest cover countries in the Near East and Africa.

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