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Planted Forest Working Papers: Thematic Paper Series


In Code “Working Paper FP/x”, “x” indicates the WP series number and a suffix E, F or S indicates: E = English, F = French, S = Spanish, in case of multilingual papers. No suffix indicates English only.

Available at the Planted Forest web site:

Working Paper FP/1: Mean Annual Volume Increment of Selected Industrial Species. Ugalde L. and Perez O. April 2001.

Working Paper FP/2: Biological Sustainability of Productivity in Successive Rotations. Evans J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/3: Plantation Productivity. Libby W.J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/4: Promotion of Valuable Hardwood Plantations in the Tropics. A Global Overview. Odoom F.K. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/5: Plantations and Wood Energy. Mead D.J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/6: Non-Forest Tree Plantations. Killmann W. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/7: Role of Plantations as Substitutes for Natural Forests in Wood Supply – Lessons learned from the Asia-Pacific Region. Waggener T. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/8: Financial and Other Incentives for Plantation Establishment. Williams J. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/9: The Impact of Forest Policies and Legislation on Forest Plantations. Perley C.J.K. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/10: Protecting Plantations from Pests and Diseases. Ciesla W.M. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/11: Forestry Out-Grower Schemes: A Global View. Race D. and Desmond H. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/12: Plantations and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: A Short Review. Moura-Costa P. and Aukland L. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/13: Future Production from Forest Plantations. Brown C. March 2001.

Working Paper FP/14 Forest Plantation Resources, FAO Data Sets 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000. Del Lungo, A. December 2001

Working Paper FP/15 Global Forest Plantation Development: Review for FRA 2000. Vuorinen A.P. and Carle, J.B. April 2002

Working Paper FP/16S Bibliografía Anotada Sobre los Efectos Ambientales, Sociales y Económicos de los Eucaliptos. Compilación de documentos elaborados en inglés, francés y español entre 1985 y 1994. Marzo de 2002.

Working Paper FP/16E Annotated Bibliography on Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts of Eucalyptus. Compilation from English, French and Spanish Literature, 1985 to 1994. Revised (Combined) Edition, March 2002.

Working Paper FP/17S Bibliografía Anotada Sobre los Efectos Ambientales, Sociales y Económicos de los Eucaliptos. Compilación de documentos elaborados en inglés, francés y español entre 1995 y 1999. Palmberg C., Marzo de 2002.

Working Paper FP/17E Annotated Bibliography on Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts of Eucalyptus. Compilation from English, French and Spanish Literature, 1995 to 1999. Palmberg C., March 2002.

Working Paper FP/18 Tropical forest plantation areas 1995 data set. Pandey D. May 2002.

Working Paper FP/19 Teak (Tectona grandis) in Central America. De Camino, R.V., Alfaro, M.M. and Sage, L.F.M. May 2002.

Working Paper FP/20 Melina (Gmelina arborea) in Central America. Alfaro, M.M. and De Camino, R.V. May 2002.

Working Paper FP/21 Case study of hardwood programmes in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Hammond, D. May 2002.

Working Paper FP/22 Case study of long rotation eucalypt plantations in New South Wales. Heathcote, R. June 2002.

Working Paper FP/23 Case study of the tropical forest plantations of Malaysia. Krishnapillay, D.B. June 2002.

Working Paper FP/24 Hardwood plantations in Ghana. Odoom, F. June 2002.

Working Paper FP/25 Planted Forests Database (PFDB): Structure and Contents. Varmola, M. and Del Lungo, A. July 2003.

Working Paper FP/26 Planted Forest Database: Analysis of Annual Planting Trends and Silvicultural Parameters for Commonly Planted Species. Del Lungo, A. September 2003.

Working Paper FP/27E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Republic of Tunisia - Country Case Study. Rouchiche, S. and Abid, H. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/27F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: République de Tunisie - Raport par pays. Rouchiche, S. and Abid, H. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/28E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Republic of Mali - Country Case Study. Thomas, I. and Samassekou, S. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/28F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: République du Mali - Raport par pays. Thomas, I. and Samassekou, S. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/29E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Republic of Ethiopia - Country Case Study. Thomas, I. and Bekele, M. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/29F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: République d'Éthiopie - Raport par pays. I. Thomas et M. Bekele. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/30E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Republic of Namibia - Country Case Study. Thomas, I. and Chakanga, M. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/30F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: République de Namibie - Raport par pays. I. Thomas et M. Chakanga. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/31E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Sultanate of Oman - Country Case Study. Rouchiche, S. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/31F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: Sultanat d'Oman - Raport par pays. S. Rouchiche. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/32E Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Islamic Republic of Iran - Country Case Study. Rouchiche, S. and Haji Mirsadeghi, M. A. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/32F Rôle des Plantations Forestières et des arbres hors forêts dans l'aménagement forestier durable: République Islamique d'Iran - Raport par pays. S. Rouchiche. October 2003.

Working Paper FP/33 The Potential for Fast-Growing Commercial Forest Plantations to Supply High Value Roundwood. R. James and A. Del Lungo. February 2005.

Working Paper FP/34 The Netherlands Trust Fund Support to Sustainable Forest Management in Low Forest Cover Countries. - The Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Landscape Restoration in Low Forest Cover Countries.

Forest Resources Assessment Working Papers relevant to Planted Forests

Available at the Forest Resources Assessment web site:

FRA Working Paper 18 Forest Plantation Resource in Developing Countries. Forest Resources Assessment Team. 2000.

FRA Working Paper 79 Definitions Related to Planted Forests. Carle, J., Holmgren, P. 2003.

International Poplar Commission - FAO Statutory Body (English, French, Spanish)

Report on the 21st Session of the International Poplar Commission and the 40th Session of the Executive Committee, Portland, Oregon, USA, 24-28 September, 2000.

Report on the 41st Session of the Executive Committee of the International Poplar Commission, Rome, Italy, 2 September, 2002.

Summary of Directly Related FAO Work (English, French, Spanish)

Planted Forests:

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