CL 29/INF/6


Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session

Rome, 16-18 November 2005


1. The Approved Methods of Work of the Council require that an information document be prepared for each Council session reporting on the implementation of the decisions taken at the preceding session (CL 60/REP, Appendix G, paragraph 7.8).

2. Listed hereunder are the decisions taken by the Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Council and their implementation up to the date of going to press.

3. The text in the decision column includes the Agenda Item title underlined, the text of the Council decisions and a reference in brackets to the paragraph in the Council Report.



(Rome, 20-24 June 2005)






Promote FAO’s medium to long-term strategy for rehabilitation and reconstruction of livelihoods in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the countries affected by the Tsunami of December 2004 (para. 7)

In addition to technical advice and information flow to the countries concerned, assistance has been provided to those Member Nations particularly affected in the elaboration of
long-term rehabilitation plans. Financing has also been secured for post emergency assistance along the lines of the strategy developed by FAO. Longer-term projects are also being developed with such selected partners as Germany, Spain and the American Red Cross.

Continue implementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its related International Plans of Action (IPOAs) in promoting long-term sustainable development in capture fisheries and aquaculture (para. 8)

Support for the implementation of the Code of Conduct and its international plans of action is a major on-going activity of the Fisheries Department. Capacity-building workshops have been held in Central and Southern Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Additional workshops are planned in late 2005 for West Africa and the Near East.

Continue placing higher priority on small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, and allocate appropriate resources to these areas within the Fisheries Department budget (para. 8)

The Fisheries Department, in partnership with the World Fish Center, is presently developing methodologies for integrated assessment of small-scale fisheries. Other activities, including the organization of workshops, are foreseen for late 2005 and the next biennium. With regard to aquaculture, the Organization has undertaken a national and regional aquaculture sector overviews, a prospective analysis and evaluation of future directions in aquaculture, national aquaculture legislation overviews, facilitation and creation of aquaculture networks, publication of technical manuals, establishment of an aquaculture website, creation of an aquaculture glossary, and species fact sheets, and the analysis of aquaculture impacts on the environment.

Seek technical and financial support in having developing countries implement the International Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries, although voluntary in nature (para. 9)

No specific requests for technical or financial assistance have yet been received. A project proposal seeking extra-budgetary funding is nevertheless being prepared.

Continue to improve the Guidelines and develop similar International Guidelines for Inland Fisheries (para. 9)

Several Expert Consultations are foreseen for 2006.

Promote efforts by Members to reach consensus on the Memorandum of Understanding between Secretariats of FAO and CITES (para. 11)

The COFI Sub-Committee on Trade will consider during its next session, in May 2006, the draft Memorandum of Understanding Work Ongoing that CITES has adopted.

Make additional allotments to Major Programme 2.3 Fisheries in light of the importance of Fisheries Department activities (para. 12)

The Fisheries Department has made proposals under the different scenarios for the Programme of Work and Budget 2006-2007 which may serve as a reference and starting point for the Member Nations to discuss the possibility of additional allotments, as recommended by COFI.

Have the joint meeting of the Secretariats of the tuna regional fisheries management organisations and their members held in 2007 in Japan (para. 13)

Contacts are underway between the Host Country and the Fisheries Department in order to initiate the organization and convening of the meeting, including early communication with the tuna RFMOs and their Secretariats and Members.

Strengthen international cooperation, including the transfer of technology, as well as technical and financial assistance to developing states in combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing (para. 14)

A series of international workshops have been organized and policy-related advice is available to Members on a request basis.

Encourage the monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activities through, inter alia, Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS)
(para. 14)

Efforts are underway to promote the wider use of appropriate MCS technology to combat IUU fishing in developing countries, including the use of VMS.

Reinforce the mandates of RFMOs to cover the management of these fisheries and establish new RFMOs in areas not yet covered (para. 15)

A review process of FAO RFBs as part of the overall reform process of FAO is ongoing. These efforts are being undertaken by some of the FAO RFBs (WECAFC, COPESCAL) in order to enhance their mandate. A number of RFMOs are undergoing a review process with the same objective.

Implement the Declarations on Tsunami and on IUU Fishing endorsed during the Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries of 12 March 2005
(para. 16)

Activities in this respect are undertaken jointly with those referred to in (3.1) (3.9) and (3.10) above. A study has been undertaken to determine the requirements for the establishment of a Global Register of Fishing Vessels that would facilitate access to important information on individual vessels, such as beneficial ownership, and the establishment/maintenance of linkages to other relevant databases. The Organization has also participated in a Inter-Agency Working Group on the genuine link between flag States and vessels flying their respective flags.

14 MARCH 2005


As per the Statement of the Ministerial Meeting on Forests, (i) develop a strategy for international cooperation on wildland fire;
(ii) assist countries to improve domestic forest law enforcement and governance and, to this end, promote international cooperation to support international trade in timber and forest products from legally-harvested and sustainably-managed forests; (iii) expand capacity-building for sustainable forest management; (iv) and play a central role in the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) (para. 17)

(i) Preparations are underway. In so doing, FAO is updating the compilation of “Legal Frameworks for Global Forest Fire Management”, supporting national forest fire campaigns, and increasing exchange of fire information through the regional ISDR Wildland Fire Networks in Fire Emergencies. (ii) The FAO/ International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) compilation of Best Practices for Improving Law Compliance in the Forest Sector was published in October 2005. Regional workshops are currently being organized to elaborate strategies and to propose practical steps to be taken. Together with UNECE, FAO organized a policy forum on the role of governments in forest certification in September 2005. (iii) The Organization is increasing its capacity-building activities in this field by promoting a multi-stakeholder process to derive a Code of Best Practice for Planted Forest, as well as validation of Tarapoto Indicators for SFM in selected countries in Latin America. Instructors on community based fire management in Africa and MesoAmerica are also being trained; as are communities regarding national forest programmes. The Organizations is also engaged in promoting of sustainable wood energy systems and in facilitating access to tools that assess the impact of forest utilization on the environment, as well as capacity-building for afforestation and garnering carbon revenues for forests under the Kyoto Protocol. (iv) The Organization plays a leading role in supporting countries to implement sustainable forest management. FAO chairs the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)1 and actively participates in the dialogue on the future of the IAF. FAO also seconds a staff member to the Secretariat of the UN Forum on Forests.

Strengthen the Regional Forestry Commissions in order to boost national implementation of sustainable forest management through action-oriented dialogue and regional cooperation, as well as the implementation of the proposals for action of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF), the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) programme of work on forest biological diversity (para. 19)

The 2006 round of Regional Forestry Commissions will focus on implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM), including proposals from IPF/IFF and CBD work programme. Progress reports towards SFM, including potential drawbacks in implementation will be discussed. Attention will also focus on regional and sub-regional collaboration; achievement of the Millennium Development Goals; and codes of practice and technical guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol and the Clean Development Mechanism for forestry activities will also be highlighted.

Continue a leadership role in the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), and strengthen activities in the areas of monitoring, assessment and reporting on forests at the national, regional and international levels (para. 20)

FAO chairs the CPF and leads many of its joint initiatives, such as streamlining forest reporting, acting as a sourcebook on funding for SFM and harmonizing of definitions. CPF Chair (ADG-FO) has initiated discussion with its Members on its future role, especially in connection with regional and national cross-sectoral activities and linkages to MDGs. Some on-going activities in this connection are: Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2005 with information on progress towards SFM; preparations for the State of the World’s Forests 2007; preparation of a dozen projects to strengthen national capacity of countries to implement national forest assessments and integrated land use assessments; provision of technical advice for criteria implementation at national level regarding sustainable forest management; finalization of the Forestry Outlook Study for West and Central Asia (FOWECA).

Initiate the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Wildland Fire Management, increase the contribution to country efforts in forest rehabilitation and landscape restoration, including in low-forest cover countries and in areas affected by the Tsunami in December 2004. (para. 22)

National guidelines are in preparation in several countries, and are providing building blocks for the development of a global framework. FAO continues to enhance the contribution of forests and trees in restoration of landscapes in low forest cover countries, especially through the Global Forest Landscape Restoration Partnership. It also contributed to the Global Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation in 2005 in Brazil; and published “The Role of Planted Forests and Trees Outside Forests in Landscape Restoration in Low Forest Cover Countries” in August 2005. Finally, FAO has initiated a regional programme for forest rehabilitation and forest landscape restoration efforts in the tsunami-affected areas.

Enhance the contribution of sustainable forest management in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and in alleviating poverty (para. 23)

FAO is developing guidelines to assist forestry practitioners in integrating poverty alleviation aspects into their work. FAO is also exploring the links between national forest programmes and poverty reduction strategies to enhance its contribution to the MDGs and poverty alleviation. FAO's ongoing work in community and participatory forestry and agroforestry has a particular impact on poverty alleviation. In addition, FAO provides global data on forest area, an indicator of MDG Goal 7, and supported the preparation of the documentation on this Goal for the Millennium +5 Summit review of progress.

Continue to support national capacities to sustainably manage forests, including through the National Forest Programme Facility
(para. 23)

FAO hosts and collaborate with the NFP Facility in enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes (nfps) and in capacity building to strengthen nfp implementation.


Thirteenth World Forestry Congress 2009


To work in partnership with Argentina, following acceptance of the country’s offer to host the Thirteenth World Forestry Congress (para. 25)

FAO will collaborate with Argentina in the organization of the Congress. The Forestry Department has contacted the Argentinian authorities regarding preliminary arrangements, which will form the basis for the substantive preparations to be undertaken until 2009.



Continue to assist Member Nations in addressing commodity problems within the framework of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) (para. 27)

A set of commodity studies, focussing on trade liberalization within the framework of the DDA has been initiated.

Continue to cooperate with other organizations on publications, improved analysis of global commodity markets and trade policy reform, development of Agricultural Policy Indicators and work on strategies for commodity risk management in order to gain maximum leverage from the limited resources and expertise available (para. 27)

OECD’s latest Agricultural Outlook was produced for the first time as a joint publication with FAO. A series of studies on strategies for food import risk management, focusing on countries of Southern Africa, was also completed in collaboration with the World Bank, and in the context of the WB-FAO Cooperative Program (CP).


The commodity module of the Agricultural Policy Indicators (API) project in collaboration with OECD and IFPRI in near completion. A collaborative project with the World Bank on the demand by farmers for commodity and weather insurance in Tanzania is also nearing completion. Collaboration with the World Bank on commodity risk management is continuing in both the price risk management as well as weather risk management/insurance fronts.

Formalize the initiative for an International Year of Natural Fibres through a resolution at the forthcoming Session of the FAO Conference (para. 28)

A series of meetings have been held to discuss the scope and nature of an International Year of Natural Fibres as background to the formulation of a resolution for submission to Conference.

Continue analytical work on food aid, and consider food aid issues within the content of broader trade negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) (para. 29)

An informal Expert Consultation on Food Aid and Trade Negotiations was held; a technical note was prepared and published on the basis of the discussions; and the findings were presented to WTO negotiators (Geneva, July 2005). Inputs for the policy brief were provided during meetings of the Food Aid Convention with regards to the renegotiation of the new Convention.


The Organization is also contributing to research on effects of food aid in local markets of recipient countries, and a WFP/SENAC-financed project on the behavior of food markets in times of crisis is envisioned.

Continue meeting arrangements whereby the CCP and the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) meet back-to-back in the same week (para. 30)

The implementation of this arrangement on a trial basis for the most recent session of CCP and COAG appears to have met with widespread approval, and will be repeated for future sessions.


The full evaluation of this new format was presented to the Joint Meeting of Programme and Finance Committees (see document CL 129/2).

Prepare an evaluation of the arrangements for the Sessions of CCP and COAG in April 2005 for presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees in September 2005, and assess the option of combining the two Committees (para. 30)

Action taken. See document CL 129/2.



Commit the necessary resources and put emphasis on effective coordination of work on SARD (para. 32)

Action is being taken.

Implement proposed framework for a safe and nutritious food supply, and develop a strategic food chain approach with emphasis on food safety and food quality (para. 33)

A flagship policy document is under preparation on the implementation of the food chain approach to food safety and quality. Work is also underway to develop an FAO-wide strategy on the application of the food chain approach to promote food safety and quality. The two documents will be complimentary and will serve as policy and strategy documents for this approach.


In this connection, Codex Alimentarius has been and will continue to be supportive of the food chain approach.

Continue the international standard-setting work, especially that related to food safety (Codex), plant health (International Plant Protection Convention, IPPC) and animal health (para. 33)

The action is ongoing, as was dealt by the 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (4-9 July 2005), including the 5th Session of the ad hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology (September 2005). It will also be discussed by the 57th Session of the Executive Committee (December 2005) that will consider the Codex budget and further follow-up to the FAO/WHO Evaluation.

Continue and enhance work on the globalizing livestock sector (para. 34)

Action is being taken.

Enhance capacities in the bioenergy field and address bioenergy issues through an Interdepartmental Working Group (para. 34)

Action is being taken.

Promote capacity-building at national and local levels in areas such as bioenergy, the application of standards, the development and use of technology, multilateral trade negotiations, and integrated water management and water quality (para. 34)

As a follow up to the August 2004 WTO Framework Agreement, between December 2004 and May 2005, FAO organized more than 7 regional “clarification” workshops on some of the technical issues of current interest in the negotiations. Approximately 300 officials from some 121 countries have benefitted from these workshops. A large number of national level support activities have also been delivered through various TCP, GCP and UTF projects. Moreover, a series of trade policy technical notes and briefs on issues in the negotiations have been, or are being, prepared and are being widely disseminated.


Preparatory work is also underway for a series of national and regional capacity-building workshops that will provide updates on the state of the negotiations post August 2005 in anticipation of the Hong Kong Ministerial in December 2005. Preparatory and briefing documents will also be available for FAO’s participation in the Hong Kong Ministerial.


Several regional and national workshops to assist Member Nations in the ongoing multilateral trade negotiations and in anticipation of agreements made prior to and at the Hong Kong Ministerial are scheduled from September 2005 to March 2006.

Continue meeting arrangements whereby the CCP and the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) meet back-to-back in the same week (para. 35)

Action taken : See document CL 129/2.

Prepare an evaluation of the arrangements for the Sessions of CCP and COAG in April 2005, for presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees in September 2005, and assess the option of combining the two Committees (para. 35)

Action taken : See document CL 129/2.

Proposal for an International Conference on Agrarian Reform


Proceed with the Calendar and immediately establish the Steering Committee composed of representatives of regional groups, with the full participation of the Host Country, to support the organization of the Conference (para. 37)

Action is being taken. The steering Committee (SC) is composed of: (i) up to 3 members for each of the seven Regional Groups; (ii) representatives from the host country (Brazil); (iii) Executive Secretary (Director SDA) and (iv) regular opportunities for consultations and exchange between CSO/NGO and the Steering Committee prior to and/or after the Steering Committee meetings are being held. The Steering Committee has met on several occasions to discuss preparations and logistics to the ICARRD.

Have Brazil host and contribute to the financing of the Conference, and encourage Member Nations to make extra-budgetary resources available to ensure a successful Conference and to support the participation of Least Developed Countries (para. 37)

FAO has established a Global Trust Fund (GTF) to handle the finances for the Conference. The Government of Brazil provided US$250 000 to the GTF in order to begin the preparatory activities of the Conference.

Develop communication channels and other mechanisms to ensure adequate Government and civil society participation in the preparatory process and in the Conference itself. (para. 37)

The FAO-accredited networks of NGOs and CSOs have been formally invited to participate in the discussions on the technical issues to be discussed by ICARRD. The International Land Coalition has likewise been contacted.


Several meetings have also been held with the International Planning Committee (IPC) and Action Aid International (AAI) to discuss their role in organizing CSOs and NGOs for ICARRD.


Finally, FAO Representatives in all FAO member Nations have been requested to notify local FAO counterparts of the goals and scope of ICARRD and to inquire about their possible participation.

(ROME, 23 – 26 MAY 2005)


Promote efforts towards increasing investments in agriculture, improving agricultural productivity, and increasing market access, to be supplemented by other rural development interventions aimed at sustaining economic and social development in order to achieve the WFS goals by 2015 (para. 39)

The process of identifying and publicizing situations and cases where investments in agriculture, agricultural productivity and increased market access have contributed to attainment of WFS goal is currently underway. The Organization is also in the process of identifying best practices in rural development.

Provide assistance, in association with other relevant UN Agencies, in developing assessment tools focussing on the needs and on
the capacity to cope on the part of populations affected by human-induced and natural disaster-related food emergencies (para. 41)

FAO/GIEWS has been working closely with WFP, donor agencies and national institutions to improve emergency food needs assessment methodologies. A series of expert consultations have been held and more are planned. In order to prepare a set of improved practical guidelines for use by assessment teams as well as by national and regional early warning systems.


The Organization is also developing a needs – response framework and implementing a programme on food security and crises with support of the Netherlands and EC support.

Continue to deal with recent emergencies arising from plant pests, including desert locusts, and animal diseases, as well as from the Tsunami disaster (para. 43)

Following joint FAO/WFP CFSAMs to Sahel countries affected by desert locusts and to Aceh Province of Indonesia affected by the Tsunami, GIEWS continues to monitor and report on the food security situation in both regions.

Encourage Governments to include disaster-preparedness and mitigation strategies in national development plans (para. 44)

Every opportunity is taken to convey this message, including through the flagship publications.


The GIEWS has taken direct and active role in promoting the inclusion of disaster preparedness in public policy: World Conference on Early-Warning (October 2003, Bonn, Germany) and the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Reduction (January 2005, Kobe, Japan). GIEWS is engaged with the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), particularly the Global Platform for Early Warning, which includes the integration of early warning and related preparedness and mitigation considerations in public policy.

Implement the revised reporting format for the follow-up of the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action to facilitate accurate assessment and monitoring, as well as to enable countries to learn from their individual experiences (para. 45)

The revised format was finalized and forwarded to Member Nations and other organizations in
mid-October for their action. The revised format is also available through the Governing Bodies Website, under the Committee on World Food Security.


A regionally balanced meeting of experts to review the format of the country reports on the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action was organized and the Organization is conducting a test of the proposed new report format after adjustments.

Have the Special Forum in 2006 explore ways to improve dialogue, consultation and understanding among all stakeholders in halving hunger by 2015, and prepare a broad and in-depth analysis on the progress of the Plan of Action for the Mid-Term Review (para. 46)

The Special Forum in 2006 will receive suggestions for improving dialogue from the Regional Conferences. Broad and in-depth analysis on the progress in the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action is being undertaken and will involve contributions from various units in the Organization.


ESS: Action taken: ESS prepared an analysis of the trends on progress towards the hunger reduction target.

Have the CFS review this implementation when considering the progress made in the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action
(para. 48)

Member Nations will be requested to report on their progress regarding the promotion of the Right to Food in the Revised Format.

Actively contribute to the Millennium Review Summit in September 2005, in particular by highlighting FAO’s contribution to the implementation of the Millennium Declaration (para. 52)

FAO is preparing to participate actively in the Millennium Review Summit. Several papers are being prepared to this effect.



Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its Activities in 2004


Continue successful collaboration efforts with WFP (para. 57)

Action is being taken.



Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Timetable


Submit to the Conference for approval the Provisional Agenda, the tentative Timetable and the Arrangements outlined in document CL 128/12 (para. 59)

Action taken. See documents C 2005/1 and C 2005/12.

Deadline for Nominations for the Post of Independent Chairperson of the Council


Establish the deadline for receipt of nominations to the Office of Independent Chairperson of the Council at 12.00 hours on Friday 9 September 2005 (para. 60)

Action taken. Nominations despatched on 16 September 2005.

Nomination of the Chairperson of the Conference, and of the Chairpersons of Commission I and Commission II


Have the following Member Nations serve as Chair during the Thirty-third Session of the FAO Conference:

Chairperson of the Conference: Viet Nam

Chairperson of Commission I: Costa Rica

Chairperson of Commission II: Armenia

and make definitive nominations to the Conference at the Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session of the Council in November 2005
(para. 61)

Action taken. See document C 2005/12.

Nomination of Nine Members of the Credentials Committee (Countries)


Have the following Member Nations serve on the Credentials Committee for the Thirty-third Session of the Conference: Bulgaria, Croatia, El Salvador, Indonesia; Morocco, San Marino, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America and Yemen (para. 62)

Action taken. See document C 2005/12.





Continue to enhance the document’s analytic nature and reduce the size of future versions of the SPWB (para. 64)

This action is ongoing, subject to further guidance from the Programme and Finance Committees.

Review the suite of planning and budgeting documents with a view to streamlining and simplification (para. 64)

Action is being taken.

Consider options to rationalize the number, scope and length of planning documents, while strengthening the link between strategic objectives and programme proposals (para. 66)

Action is being taken.

Find better ways to align the Organization’s planning exercises and eventual budget decisions (para. 67)

Action is being taken.

Further discuss the above-noted matters in the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at their September 2005 Session, based on an analysis of programme budget arrangements in comparable UN System organizations (para. 67)

A comparative analysis of relevant practices in comparable UN system organizations was submitted to the Joint Meeting of the Programme Committees in September 2005. See document CL 129/2.

Implement a Security Expenditure Facility to provide comprehensive coverage of staff and non-staff security costs under a new Chapter 9 of the budget, and further develop it in the final PWB (para. 69)

The Security Expenditure Facility features in the PWB 2006-07. See document C 2005/3.

Provide specific proposals in the full PWB on requiring Member Nations to pay their Assessed Contributions without deduction of Miscellaneous Income (para. 70)

A proposal to this effect was included in the PWB 2006-07. See document C 2005/3.

Implement the proposals for Capital Budgeting made in follow-up to Conference Resolution 10/2003 establishing a Capital Expenditure Facility (para. 71)

Proposals for capital expenditure were included in the PWB 2006-07. See document C 2005/3.

Identify further efficiency savings as an integral part of the management process (para. 72)

Considerable emphasis is placed on efficiency savings in the main PWB document, and even more so under the reform proposals in the Supplement. See document C 2005/3 and C 2005/3-Sup.1.

Ensure that internal financial controls are not weakened and that planned administrative systems projects are completed independently of approved budget levels (para. 75)

The upgrade of the Oracle Financials Application was successfully completed in August 2005. This upgrade is a prerequisite for the development and implementation of the Human Resources Management System (HRMS), which is proceeding according to plan and is on target for completion at the end of 2006.

Consider the full Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) proposals on Zero Nominal Growth, Zero Real Growth, Real Growth and Higher Real Growth, with programme-level proposals on Higher Real Growth and Zero Nominal Growth, in order to be able to have an approved budget at Thirty-third Session of the Conference (para. 78)

The PWB 2006-07 and its Supplement elaborated on these four scenarios. See document C 2005/3 and C 2005/3-Sup.1.



Savings and Efficiencies in Governance


Take the decision whether to hold Round Tables before each Conference Session, and convene consultations with the Regional Groups regarding the choice of topics for all future Governing Body meetings (para. 81)

Action is being taken.



Ensure that the two important exercises under way regarding the policy and operational framework of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) and the follow-up to the Independent Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization result in a more effective and responsive Organization (para. 83)

As regards the Technical Cooperation Programme, action is being taken. See document CL 129/3 (Report of the 94th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome , September 2005).


The recommendations on the follow-up to the Independent Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization build on guidance provided by FAO’s Governing Bodies and are fully aligned with Management’s response.


The Organization is actively working to implement the Independent Evaluation recommendations in a holistic manner and in keeping with FAO’s role as a knowledge organization. The Programme and Finance Committees members have been duly informed of progress made in this regard. See document CL 129/2

Policy and Operational Framework of the TCP  

Further review the US$ 400,000 financial ceiling of TCP projects and their limitation to a duration of 24 months (para. 85)

The Secretariat’s recommendations for strengthening the policy and operational framework of the TCP include raising the upper budget ceiling of TCP projects to US$500 000.


However, upon further detailed examination of the issue the Secretariat does not believe that there would be significant benefits or improvements to the Programme if the maximum permitted duration was extended beyond 24 months, given existing provisions for “Phase II TCP projects” and bearing in mind the fundamental character of the Programme.

Further explore the use of TCP in co-financing, and assess the recommendation of selective extra-budgetary reimbursement of emergency TCP assistance (para. 85)

Further to the discussions at the Programme Committee in May 2005, the Secretariat's proposals were presented to the Programme Committee in September 2005. See document CL 129/3

Make tangible progress in follow-up to the Independent Evaluation of Decentralization, so as to ultimately lead to strengthened FAO action and presence at field level (para. 87)

Action is being taken.

Continue extensive analytical work to develop the management response, including: identification of demands regarding services required by Members, testing of the proposed National Priority Frameworks, especially within the context of national poverty reduction strategies in those countries where they exist, and study of other such critical aspects as streamlining of procedures and measures to delegate authority within acceptable accountability standards (para. 88)

Action is being taken. The formulation of National Medium Term Priority Frameworks (NMTPFs), to be developed under the leadership of the FAORs in consultation with government officials, development partners and the donor community, will be a major building block of the reformed decentralization of the Organization. Increased delegation of authority and streamlining of procedures are also among the essential elements of the proposed reform being made separately by the Director-General. See document C 2005/3-Sup.1

Effect a major shift in organizational culture, including greater staff empowerment and adaptation of human resource management practices (para. 88)

Activities relating to Decentralization will be subsumed within the overall restructuring of the Organization proposed to the Governing Bodies within the context of the PWB 2006-07. See documents C 2005/3, C 2005/3-Sup.1 and C 2005/3-Sup.2.

Have the Programme Committee further report on the above-noted issue at the next session, based on a thorough management response that includes indentification of timeframes and cost implications (para. 89)

Action is being taken The Programme and Finance Committees examined the management response and implementation plan during their session in September 2005.

Other Matters  

Continue to centrally manage the related budgetary requirements for auto-evaluation (para. 90)

Action is being taken.

Have the Programme Committee pursue the issue of priority-setting and fragmentation at a future session (para. 90)

Action is being taken.

Increase the visibility of livestock work in the Organization and implement the indicative workplan of strategic and programme evaluations to be carried out over the 2006-2009 period according to priority-subject matters, using due flexibility (para. 91)

An assessment of environmental impacts of globalizing livestock will be discussed at the Twentieth Session of COAG. The assessment of social / equity / poverty impacts of globalizing livestock will be presented at the Twenty-first Session of COAG in 2009. The assessment of animal / public health impacts of globalizing livestock will be presented at at Twenty-second Session of COAG in 2011.

Implement the indicative workplan of strategic and programme evaluations to be carried out over the 2006-2009 period according to priority-subject matters, using due flexibility (para. 91)

The work-plan is being implemented. Evaluations currently in progress in line with the work-plan are those for Strategy D2 (Fragile environments); Country evaluations (beginning with Mozambique) and the evaluation of TeleFood as follow-up to the Evaluation of Communicating FAO’s messages.

(ROME, 9-13 MAY 2005)


Status of Contributions and Arrears


Encourage all Member Nations to pay their contributions in full to enable the Organization to continue to fulfill its mandate and request advice from the Finance Committee on the options available to improve the timely receipt of Assessed Contributions. (para. 93)

The Secretariat continues its on-going actions to ensure timely collections of contributions. In addition to annual call letters informing Member Nations on current and arrears of contributions, these include quarterly statements, ongoing contacts and correspondence with Government Authorities, and contacts and letters sent at the highest levels. The Finance Committee was advised of the current situation in its September Meeting. It was also advised on the performance of the split assessment arrangement in 2004 and 2005 and issues concerning the acceptance of local currency in payment of assessed contributions. See documents C 2005/16 and CL 129/4.

Scale of Contributions 2006-2007


Forward a Draft Resolution on Scale of Contributions 2006-07 to the Thirty-third Session of the Conference for adoption
(para. 98)

Action is being taken.

Other Matters Arising out of the Report


Extension of the Appointment of the External Auditor


Implement the operative paragraph of Resolution 1/128 on Extension of the Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 102)

Confirmation of the extension of the appointment of the External Auditor has been communicated to the External Auditor.

Funding of the After Service Medical Costs Liability


Have the Finance Committee continue its review of ASMC funding in September 2005, and have it base its recommendation to Council for 2006-07 funding on the latest actuarial valuation, as well as the anticipated UN Report on After Service Medical Costs, if available (para. 106)

As requested by the Finance Committee in May 2005, the actuaries were contracted to perform an updated ASMC valuation as at 31 December 2004. The valuation was completed in August 2005 and the results were reported to the Finance Committee in September 2005 (see document CL 129/4).

Under-representation of Staff from One Region


Exert further efforts to remedy the serious under-representation of staff from one Region (para. 108)

The Organization continues its efforts to address the issue of geographic under-representation through a variety of measures, including targeted advertising, recruitment missions and enhancing networking with Governments and relevant institutions.



Implement the follow-up steps as summarised in paragraphs 13-16 of the Report (CL 128/15) (para. 109)

Action has been taken.

Ensure adequate and timely voluntary extra-budgetary funding for the Evaluation (para. 110)

The Evaluation Service is taking steps with TC Department to open a multilateral Trust fund for the IEE which is scheduled to take place next near, subject to Council approval and availability of voluntary funds.

Ensure the continuation of the open and transparent way of working in order to achieve an outcome that can be approved by all Members (para. 110)

Action is being taken.

Provide comprehensive and precise recommendations to the Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session of the Council on all items mandated to facilitate definitive decision-making by the Council on the Evaluation, as well as its early commencement following that decision (para. 110)

Action is being taken. See document C 2005/17.



(ROME, 5-6 APRIL 2005)


Implement the new wording of Article IX.1 of the Agreement for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region (para. 112)

Action taken.

Further examine the other two issues considered in the Report of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters at the next session in October 2005 (para. 113)

Action taken. See document CL 129/5.

Have the Russian Federation attend the Session as an Observer (para. 114)

Action has been taken.





Convene the Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session of the Council in Rome from 16 to
18 November 2005 (para. 115)

Action taken. Invitations were despatched on 16 September 2005.



Have Margarita Lizárraga Medal presented to the representative of the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP) by the Director-General as part of the proceedings of the Thirty-third Session of the Conference (para. 116)

Action is being taken to this effect.

1 Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) member organizations: Center for International Forestry Research; FAO (Chair); International Tropical Timber Organization; International Union of Forest Research Organizations; Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity; Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility; Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests; Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Environment Programme; World Agroforestry Centre; World Bank; World Conservation Union.