Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Chapter 1: Corporate Governance

(All amounts in US$ 000)
  Regular Budget Trust Fund All Financing
Programme 2006-07 Programme of Work Direct Support to Programme of Work Other Voluntary Contributions  
1A Governing bodies 7,794 0 0 7,794
1B General direction 9,814 0 0 9,814
1X Programme Management 608 0 0 608
Total 18,216 0 0 18,216
Percentage by Source of Financing 100% 0% 0% 100%

126.     As the preceding table indicates, Chapter 1 would henceforth be restricted to the cost of main Governing Bodies and Regional Conferences (1A) and of General Direction, i.e. the Office of the Director-General stricto sensu and the share of the Legal Office’s activities covering advice to management and governing bodies on legal matters (1B). 

Table of ContentsRAP-806-