Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Annex I: Appropriation Resolution (as adopted by Conference Resolution 7/2005)

Budgetary Appropriations 2006-07


Having considered the Director-General Programme of Work and Budget in the light of Conference Resolution 6/2005:

1. Approves a total net Appropriation of US$ 765,700,000 for the financial period 2006-07 and subject to paragraph 2 approves the Programme of Work proposed by the Director-General for 2006-07 as follows:

a) Appropriations are voted for the following purposes:

Chapter 1: Corporate Governance 17,489,000
Chapter 2: Sustainable Food and Agricultural Systems 203,926,000
Chapter 3: Knowledge Exchange, Policy and Advocacy 189,929,000
Chapter 4: Decentralization, UN Cooperation and Programme Delivery 213,114,000
Chapter 5: Management and Supervision Services 115,474,000
Chapter 6: Contingencies 600,000
Chapter 8: Capital Expenditure 4,724,000
Chapter 9: Security Expenditure 20,444,000
Total Appropriation (Net) 765,700,000
Chapter 10: Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund 86,043,000
Total Appropriation (Gross) 851,743,000


b) The appropriations (net) voted in paragraph (a) above, plus an amount of USS 14,100,000 to find the amortization of After-service Medical Coverage (ASMC), minus estimated Miscellaneous Income in the amount of USS 6,000,000, shall be financed by assessed contributions from Member Nations of US$ 773,800,000.

c) The contributions shall be established in US dollars and euro and shall consist of US$ 353,062,000 and € 353,561,000. This takes into account a split of 46% US dollars and 54% euro for the appropriations (net) and a split of 40% US dollars and 60% euro for the ASMC. Such contributions due from Member Nations in 2006 and 2007 shall be paid in accordance with the scale of contributions adopted by the Conference at its Thirty-third Session.

d) The foregoing contributions are calculated at the rate of € 1 = US$ 1.19.

e) In establishing the actual amounts of contributions to be paid by individual Member Nations, a further amount shall be charged through the Tax Equalization Fund for any Member Nation that levies taxes on the salaries, emoluments and indemnities received by staff members from FAO and which are reimbursed to the staff members by the Organization. An estimate of US$ 5,900,000 has been foreseen for this purpose.

2. Requests the Director-General to make proposals to adjust the Programme of Work, bearing in mind the expression of priorities by Council and Conference as well as the criteria for priority setting originally established by the Council at its 110th Session and as reviewed by the Programme Committee at its 89th Session, to the next meetings of the Programme and Finance Committees and to their Joint Meeting for their approval, noting that both within Chapter transfers and transfers from one Chapter to another required to implement the proposals will be handled in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.5.

(Adopted on 26 November 2005)

Table of ContentsRAP-806-