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ITEM 3: Review of Actions taken by FAO on the Recommendations made at the 45th Session of the Committee

At its 45th Session, the Committee made a number of recommendations to FAO, which are listed below.

1. Illegal Logging

FAO was recommended to assist the process of harmonization of illegal logging related definitions. It was suggested that an expert consultation should be organized with the participation of forest industries and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


• In November 2004, FAO conducted jointly with ITTO a meeting in Rome on best practices for improving law compliance in the forestry sector. At this meeting, the issue of definitions was also addressed. Many ICFPA members participated.

• A draft working document was prepared.

2. Forest Plantations

FAO was recommended to develop, in close collaboration with ICFPA, a draft code of best practices for plantation forestry.


• The Third Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions, held in Rome from 17-19 January 2005, addressed definitions for the terms “forest plantations”, “plantation forest” and “planted forest”.

• On 20 January 2005, a scoping meeting for the “Code of Best Practices for Planted Forests” was held in Rome, with five representatives of the private sector, two from NGOs as well as some from Governments, ITTO, CIFOR and FAO. The concept and general roadmap were agreed upon. Colleagues from WB, the Woodworkers’ Union and others were co-opted to the core group. FAO staff were entrusted with information collection and selection. The next meeting is scheduled for 23 June 2005.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

FAO was recommended to develop, in close collaboration with ICFPA, a framework for best practices for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with emphasis on social aspects, including poverty alleviation.


• FAO drafted a first approach to a concept note which was discussed at the informal meeting on 7 October 2004 in Rome. It was then decided that ICFPA members would develop a further draft and discuss it at a meeting during the FPAC Paper Week in February 2005.

• FAO participated in that discussion.

• An enhanced paper will be presented at the CEO Forum in May 2005 for feedback.

4. Interaction between ACPWP and ICFPA

FAO was recommended to continue its efforts to improve the exchange of information and interactions between ACPWP and ICFPA, recognizing the different functions of each forum and strengthening the work of existing working groups in both bodies.


• FAO facilitated an intervention of ICFPA in the 17th Session of COFO (15-19 March 2005);

• FAO provided the opportunity for, and joined ICFPA and WBCSD in the conduct of, a special event during COFO;

• FAO invited the private sector to participate in its High Level Advisory Panel;

• FAO invited the Chair of the ACPWP to participate in a Civil Society Meeting advising FAO on the direction of its work;

• FAO increased the provision of information on meetings and documents to ACPWP members.

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