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2. Methodology

In addition to a desk study where most of the available literature was reviewed, interviews with Government related offices were carried out. The purpose of these interviews was to double check the validity of the information gained from the desk study concerning legal instruments affecting both positively and negatively the trade in the two selected NWFP. It was also intended to learn more about new policies and practices.

An important finding, both during the interviews and the document research, was the different amount of information available concerning Brazil nuts and caimans. As mentioned previously, Brazil nuts are the most important internationally commercialised NWFP. This has motivated the government, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and others to focus on Brazil nuts in researches and the formulation of Brazil nut specific legislations. To the contrary, very little legislation and research documents can be found on the caiman. For example, even though the export of both caiman leather and meat has become important, it does not have a specific tariff code.

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