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7. Recommendations/Proposed areas for Further Research

7.1 Recommendations for Bertholletia excelsa

The following is recommended to foster the Brazil nuts industry, for value adding and making a fair distribution of the economic benefits to all the stakeholders:

• It is required to promote education, to all levels and every actor of the value chain, on the requirements, standards and market conditions, in order to improve the product’s quality.

• The Government, both at a National and Prefecture levels, together with the companies, should promote a certification program, starting with the forest management scheme, such as FSC certification, a HACCP based certification of the production process in beneficiadoras (processing plants), and other management quality systems, such as ISO 9000 or 14000. This program should include several components including education, training, technical assistance and incentives in competition like activities.

• Implement appropriate infrastructure for the aflatoxin analysis, installing laboratories, having specialists that take samples in situ and others qualified personnel.

• It is required to design a system that allows to have uniform approaches for diagnoses on the elimination and handling of aflatoxins.

• En evaluation of the current sampling system, proposed by the EU to outline improvements or corrections has to be carried out. A professional approach of experts in the statistical field and also related to the trade of nuts, is required.

• It is important to make negotiations at government's level on the regulations imposed by the EU and the US, taking advantage of the support from some countries to the regulations that the country is taking as an answer to international commitments.

7.2 Recommendations for Caiman yacare

The following issues are recommended for the sustainable use of Caiman in order to become a sustainable source for the improvement of living conditions of local livelihoods:

• Hunting season has to be adapted to the reality of the zone and the environmental and biological characteristics of the species

• It is recommended to define and to respect technical and legal requirements for the applicants of licenses

• national and local level calls for the license for tanneries, fulfilling the terms established by law, have to be done

• The licenses for use of the species must be for periods of 3 to 5 years, defining annual quotas, based on the results of annual monitoring

• The licenses of commercialisation and industrialisation must be valid during all the period of the program, with environmental inspections, both technical and legal, for an annual certification

• More efficient and accurate technical elements for the use of skins, including quality certificates, with the purpose of guaranteeing a product of good quality and the conservation of the species, have to be defined.

• Promotion of the integral use of meats and bones, adapting the standard for this purpose, is required. The prefecture of Beni must facilitate the infrastructure of ENFOPESCOR for the export of meat by private operator

• Reduction of red tape for awarding and authorisation processes at national level is required

• The state must define mechanisms to control the supply and demand of products of caiman.

• It is important to separate the control centres and the commercialisation centres, which must be adapted to the institutional qualifications, the availability of human and economic resources and the environmental conditions of the zones.

• Communication and information processes of all the aspects related to the sustainable use of caiman in different media and directed to the stakeholders is required.

• It is essential to establish an integral plan of education in all levels of the activity

• A reinforcement on the control and supervision mechanisms of the state is needed, because a weakness of the people in charge has been detected..

• It’s important to decentralise and involve the municipalities in the process of control and supervision

• A departmental commission of caiman with participation of stakeholders must be conducted.

• The Government has to improve the instruments used in the control, such information centres, formats and types of guides, certification, location of the control centres, etc.

• Measurement of the size of skins in the tanneries has to be introduced as a control tool.

7.3 Proposed areas for further research

• Assess social impact of the Brazil nut industry in rural livelihoods, which provide labour force, and don’t take part in the process chain in main roles

• A new evaluation of the population and environmental assessment of the Program to study the actual impact of the so called “sustainable use” of Caiman yacare.

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