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This work could not be realized without the assistance and hospitality of some partners and individuals whom we would like to acknowledge. They include: Dr Nouhou Ndam, Dr Terry Sunderland, Mr Joseph Nkefor and Mr Elias Ndive, all the Limbe Botanical and Zoological gardens; Dr Tamungang Simon Awafor of the University of Dschang; Mr Mboh Danjouma, chief of wildlife and protected areas in Boumba & Ngoko Division; Mr Alphonse Ngniado Woula, Mr Zacharie Ndogmo Zooh, Mr Fouda Expedit of WWF-Jengi project; Mr Joseph Ekati Etoma and his colleagues of MOCAP-CIG; Mr Paul Nana of MINEF Fundong; Mr Mesape Derrick, Mr Okah Ebwenkoh, Ngwene Theophilous and Etuge Martin of WWF-Mt Kupe/Nkongsamba Project; Mr Mbuh Samuel and his colleagues of the Emfveh-Mii Forest Management CIG; Mr Bah Peter and Yama Peter, coordinators of ASSOFOMI and ASSOKOFOMI respectively. Special thanks also go to individuals like Fai Lukong Charles, Mengu-Vekovi; Mr Siverinus Banavti and Mr James Ndzegha of Waikov-Vekovi; Mr Aangana and his aids in Mbengou and Mr Dzomessi Nguefack Moise in Yokadouma.


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