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Attention has been concentrated mainly on the Indian sub-continent. A joint programme of provenance seed collecting of Gmelina arborea, by the Indian Forest Service and the Seed Centre, started in the middle of 1976.

Plans were well advanced for the implementation of a project for the long-term development of regional seed centres in India; this project would be a cooperative one between the Indian Forest Service and Seed Centre staff, with financial assistance from DANIDA, the Danish bilateral aid agency.

Considerable interest has been shown by foresters in India, Pakistan and Nepal in the possibilities of cooperating in range-wide provenance seed collections of Pinus wallichiana. Persons or institutes interested in taking part in either (a) seed collection, or (b) international provenance trials of this species, should get in touch with:

Mr. H. Keiding
Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre
DK 3050 Humlebaek

It may be possible to carry out collection of other Himalayan species, e.g. Pinus roxburghii and Cedrus deodara, at the same time.

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