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2. Activities

The regional multi-stakeholder workshop “Towards Responsible Management of Planted Forest” was carried out in Chiang Mai, Thailand 21st to 24th January 2008. The workshop was the second phase of the preparation for implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Management of Planted Forests. The first phase of the process was a multi-stakeholder process at country level that sensitized the persons attending the regional multi-stakeholder workshop on the Planted Forest Voluntary Guidelines. The workshop gathered multi-stakeholder representatives from four countries, China, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. Each country formed a delegation consisting of representatives from the government (central and provincial), the industry (smallholder and corporate), NGOs (social and environmental) and the scientific and academic sectors. The full list of participants is appended as Annex II.

The workshop was carried out by FAO HQ/Forestry Department (FOMR/NFP-facility) in collaboration with FAO Asian-Pacific Regional office. The Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI) co-ordinated the administrative and logistical arrangements prior to and during the workshop.

The workshop documents are to be found at the following URL-address:

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